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1 mo

How long have you been married?

I've never been married, and the longest relationship I've had is a year long. I didn't have a wandering eye in that time but the guy I was with... he slept with everything with 2 legs and a taco... Marriage & Weddings

1 mo

What country is best for a woman to get married and have children?

If it was me, I would choose either England or France. Relationships

2 mo

Girls, What is your hottest cheating story?

Cheating is absolutely NOT hot. Dating

3 mo

Would you relocate for your partner?

It would all depend on the circumstances. I would have a very hard time leaving my family, but anything is possible. Relationships

3 mo

Do you care about your partner’s relationship history?

I don't care about a person's past relationships because I will not compare how this person acted in the past to how he is treating me and the people around him now in the present. People change... Relationships

3 mo

It's now her making me wait a year, I guess this is fair right?

If you love her, then you will work to prove that you've changed and make her feel secure in that knowledge and then she will accept your proposal. Relationships

3 mo

What should you do when you offend someone without meaning to?

I seem to always be apologizing for something all the time. It seems I have a big mouth and usually don't know when to shut it, so yeah... I would just apologize whether it was my fault or not. Relationships

3 mo

Do you still hold a little place in your heart for your first love?

Yes, I remember the first boy I ever had a crush on, the first boy I ever kissed, the first boy I ever sucked, and the first boy I ever slept with. They all hold a special place as being the first. Relationships

3 mo

Which of these situations is worst for a man?

Of these, I would think that a man would find the small penis the worst of these situations/disadvantages. For me, personally, having an overly hairy body including the chest would be the worst of... Dating

4 mo

What comes first in attraction - friendship or lust?

I need to be attracted to the person to want to take the relationship to the next level but want to have at least some level of friendship before moving to lust and sex. Dating

4 mo

Can you sleep in the same bed as your partner?

I guess it would depend on the partner, but yes my restlessness when on my own tends to fade away when I have a man to cuddle up with. Dating

4 mo

Girls, Would you date someone with past trauma?

I have lived through a lot of abuse and trauma in my life. I have been emotionally, mentally, physically, and sexually abused. So if they were willing to take a chance on me and all of my... Dating

4 mo

Are you glad to be getting back to a regular routine after the holidays?

Yes, I am very happy to get back to my regular schedule, as I get a little lost without it. Holidays

4 mo

On a scale of, stayed at home to totally wasted, how wrecked did you get on New Years Eve?

How I spent New Year's Eve celebrating with my family at home. There was no alcohol in sight. We were all sober, all night. Holidays

4 mo

Could you forgive getting cheated on?

No, I will not forgive, nor will I forget. A leopard can't change its spots. Once a cheater, always a cheater. Relationships

4 mo

Who is having a big meal for New Years or be hungover from partying I am making a big meal dont drink or party ?

I will be snacking on finger foods all day and into the night while I celebrate at home with my family. I will watch the ball drop in New York on television and ring in the New Year with a glass... Holidays

4 mo

What do you drink on your New Year's Toast?

Sparkling apple cider, as I don't drink much alcohol. (Like once every 5 or 6 years, so I could this year I guess, as my last alcoholic drink was back in 2018.) Holidays

4 mo

Was your Christmas Merry?

My Christmas was great! I spent it with my family and I couldn't have asked for anything more than what I got! Holidays

4 mo

What would you pick for you?

Sex in my room! I hate getting sand out of all of my crevices! Holidays

4 mo

Would you date or even marry a person with baldness?

I don't care how much hair the man has, I am more interested in his personality and whether his morals align with mine. Dating

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