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1 y

What do you do when you feel ignored?

I go quiet and don’t bother with that person again because if they don’t think I’m worth their time, neither are they worth mine and damn I’m a busy person. So if I give that person my attention... Relationships

1 y

French jazz or American jazz?

French Jazz any time any day, is just the best! Entertainment & Arts

1 y

When you call someone BRILLIANT what do you actually mean?

The only reason I would use that word is if that person though thing so meticulously and I find no space of error in his/her view. Relationships

1 y

How do you know A girl treats you as a friend or that you have been friendzoned?

I’d say by the way she treats you, creating a boundary by making it clear that she sees you a a friend, no sex and if she tell you that she likes someone that’s not you. Dating

1 y

How do you communicate with someone who is angry and easily triggered?

Always make it clear that your intentions are to communicate better. Most arguments and reactions start with misunderstandings and lack of communication. Dating

1 y

What do you think of this pink dress?

It’s a nice dress but I would not wear it with those shoes. Dating

1 y

Ladies do you find men who ride a Harley Davidson attractive?

I do find it attractive. I don’t think the bikes brand matter but the way the rider carries himself. There are men that seem comfortable, confident and free simply by the way they ride their bikes... Dating

+1 y

Can simps truly love the woman they are in a relationship with?

I think most men have the same need, to find a woman and feel loved and respected. In the case of your brother, I think you nailed it. His need, his self esteem issues don’t let him see that he... Relationships

+1 y

Do you prefer to host or attend parties/events?

Honestly I don’t like both, but if I was forced to pick one, then host a party is more of my style. My house, my rules! 😆 Entertainment & Arts

+1 y

Do you think Sabrina Carpenter is pretty?

I don’t know who she is, but she is pretty. 😊 Entertainment & Arts

+1 y

Have you ever been afraid to fall in love for fear that they won't love you in return?

I don’t think I have never let my fear take control of my emotions, future or decisions. So although I’ve been afraid, I have not allowed my fear stopped myself from feeling love for someone. Relationships

+1 y

Love is a feeling, not a decision. Agree or disagree?

I think is 50/50 because u decide if that person is the right person for u or not. And from that moment on, it’s ur choice to keep investing your feelings and time with that person. 🤷🏻‍♀️🤔 Relationships

+1 y

What is your favorite TV/Netflix Show series?

I have A LOT! But I will only list 10. 1. Limitless 2. Lie to Me 3. Stranger Things 4. Lost In Space 5. The OA 6. Bad Blood 7. Wentworth 8. Money Heist 9. Cable Girls 10.... Entertainment & Arts

+1 y

Why do people keep saying I look like Lady Gaga?

I guess they see some resemblance, personally I think you do slightly. Simply take it as a compliment, on the end she is unique and successful. 😊 Other

+1 y

What artists or bands do you listen to the most?

I am addicted to Luis Miguel and oldies but goodies. Frank Sinatra, Nat King Cole, Tony Bennett and music in Spanish. I like flamenco a lot and opera. 🤷🏻‍♀️😄 Entertainment & Arts

+1 y

Have you ever had to call 9-1-1?

Yes, my neighbor was hysterical saying someone broke into her house. It turned out to be she left the door open and an autistic child who lives a block away had gone inside her house. Police got... Other

+1 y

Who is your favorite James Bond?

Pierce Brosnan is and always be my favorite James Bond 😍 Entertainment & Arts

+1 y

BREAKING NEWS: The Friendzone Does Exist?

Yes, I agree! The friendzone does exist! 😊👍🏼 Dating

+1 y

Did you ever regret saying "I Love You" to someone?

No! When I say “I love you” is because I feel it and it’s my feelings towards a person which are true and authentic. When I say it, I don’t expect anything back, not even that that person... Dating

+1 y

Would you date someone out of pity?

No, because that would be playing with their time and their feelings and I can’t set aside my self love and self respect. Pity is feeling superior or feeling ur in a better position than another... Dating

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