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3 d

How did you get over someone you're obsessed with?

You have to work on yourself through healing techniques cause the obsession is not about the person you are obsessed with, it's about your mental scars and wounds that cause you to fixate on an... Dating

6 d

You needed some years to get over your longterm ex. Do you think it’s possible to love someone new just as much?

You have humanitarians who suffer to save people they do not even know so loving somebody does not take a long time once trust is there. What takes time is honour and respect. It usually takes me... Dating

6 d

How are you doing?

I have small problems but not big problems. My small problem is that I saw 3 insects in my home this week and that made me surprised or emotionally distressed. Dating

10 d

Do you have to go to church or belong to a specific denomination to be a Christian?

I think you have Christians and then you have God following Christians - a lot of Christians don't fulfill the requirements of their religion. An example is the guy who harasses me on this site... Religion & Spirituality

16 d

Do women find a older man more attractive than the younger man?

I'm not attracted to children so I definitely think there are benefits to a guy with mature adult qualities and not youthful qualities. The guy I am dating now is child like and quirky and funny... Dating

18 d

Where do you think the most romantic place on earth is?

I think Cuba was the most romantic place. Italy was too impersonal, Spain was too hot, Australia was too urban, Korea was too cloistered, Japan was too quiet, England was too commonly English,... Relationships

18 d

Do you believe dating apps are 100% a scam?

One thing some people don't register right away is that dating online is no different from dating in real life. I know guys who date thousands of people they meet online thinking the girls they... Dating

18 d

How do religious adherents explain the cruel and vicious history of their religious groups?

The bible says that many are false prophets and false believers and false religious executers who do not actually perform the will of their religious doctrines. Jesus himself was murdered by a guy... Religion & Spirituality

19 d

Do you believe that your dreams are just messages your brain/the universe/God might be trying to tell you?

The way to know a dream is from God is if it does not make sense when you get it but makes sense later on. Then you know its not your own self initiated planning. Religion & Spirituality

21 d

How important is God in your life?

I would say God is important in every one's life, and in a religious person, they are aware of His importance to a limited extent. Religion & Spirituality

24 d

For you, what is the hardest part of maintaining a relationship?

The guy I talk to now, I would say the biggest problem is time. If he does not have time for me or I do not have time for him. Relationships

25 d

Is being fat a choice?

I would say it is often a choice but an unconscious choice. An example is that Dr. Oz showed on t. v. that the low calorie vegetarian soup dieters were buying to lose weight contained 5 times more... Dating

25 d

Would you date a military man?

I would not because there are high rates of mental health trauma and violence after people go through something so difficult. I am not saying they do not deserve love, but I do not want to risk my... Dating

28 d

Is it bad if I avoid dating and relationships and I just try to become more physically attractive (looksmaxx) and get wealthy (moneymaxx) ?

I read a free psychology article and the psychologist said people who marry people they are deeply interested in will one day wake up and realize the person has lost all their appeal. It's part of... Dating

28 d

Before entering a relationship with someone, do you take notice to see if he/she wears a ring (married)?

I would assume a guy would let me know his status usually after one minute of conversation. Most married men tell me they are taken in the first conversation where I am just saying, hi or bye. Relationships

1 mo

Has giving an ultimatum ever actually solved an issue for anyone?

I read humans appreciate border situations which is why beaches are so popular cause it's where the sand meets the water. In the same way, I found the last guy I dated was far more responsive when... Relationships

1 mo

T or F? Alpha males are fearless trailblazers who love to be in control while beta males are kind, gentle souls who prioritize personal connections?

Would you eat a caviar dinner if there were dead insects inside your food? People chase the caviar but do not chase the sanitary food, then when they find insects in their caviar it's too late to... Dating

1 mo

What's the reaction of women who play hard when men don't chase as expected?

I would never date a guy who mocks me and talks bad about me by suggesting I'm a loser who plays games. I expect the same mutual respect for your boyfriend or girlfriend that you would offer a... Dating

1 mo

Agree or Disagree: You don't have to have similar interests to be happy in your relationship you need to have similar hates?

I would say compatibility is the main thing and not necessarily having similar likes or hates. A guy who wants to spend Saturday fishing with the guys is compatible with a girl who wants to spend... Relationships

1 mo

How often should you see your crush?

I would like to see a guy at least once a week if we lived in the same city as each other. If we are both busy, it does not have to last longer than 2 hours. We could go for coffee and then bolt. Dating

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