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7 d

If your partner asked to have a boxing match would you take their challenge?

No, either I would get hit or he would get hit. Not a good outcome. Dating

8 d

My fiancée snatched food out of my hand and ate it?

Yes it's rude to snatch food from others. Just like I would get jailed if I stole a chicken nugget from a stranger at a burger joint. The fact you are dating does to give him the right to steal... Relationships

8 d

Agree or Disagree: You don't have to have similar interests to be happy in your relationship you need to have similar hates?

I would say compatibility is the main thing and not necessarily having similar likes or hates. A guy who wants to spend Saturday fishing with the guys is compatible with a girl who wants to spend... Relationships

9 d

How often should you see your crush?

I would like to see a guy at least once a week if we lived in the same city as each other. If we are both busy, it does not have to last longer than 2 hours. We could go for coffee and then bolt. Dating

9 d

What were some red flags you ignored in your previous relationship?

I learned he was faking kindness with some people he knew from school and I overlooked it, not realizing he might also have secret misgivings towards me that he never shared openly until we broke up. Relationships

10 d

Who is the craziest person you ever dated?

The last guy wasn’t crazy but had fears about trusting people. He was slow to show tenderness and initiative. Dating

10 d

Should I trust white guys with yellow fever?

That might be what you think. Dating

10 d

Is she really interested in me?

So you have had a sexless affair with someone for 15 months without sex and you want to reject her for not kissing you on the lips during your last make out session when you have a wife at home?... Dating

10 d

My boyfriend said I complain too much. What does he want me to do, stop talking?

If a guy gets angry at you for complaining, he is dealing with you rather than sympathizing with you cause somebody with real sympathy, does not view the obligation to care for you as a burden or... Relationships

10 d

How many of you slapped your girlfriend / boyfriend or husband / wife?

I raise my voice when I'm angry but I am never physically violent or suggestively violent when I am angry. I have always had strong inhibitions cause my parents controlled me like crazy when I was... Relationships

10 d

What's your favorite religious horror movie?

I do not know any religious horror movies other than the ones about demonic possession and I don't like that type of movie. Religion & Spirituality

11 d

How should your partner smell?

Most of the guys I know are odourless. I only know 2 guys that had distinct scents, one smelled like deodorant and the other smelled mildly like a post gym work out without showering. Both... Dating

11 d

True or false - girls go out to find guys girls already like so they can compete for their attention?

Most girls hate competition, they compete cause the guys they want all have other girls that like them. That is assuming they are interested in the guy as opposed to the guy being interested and... Dating

11 d

When was the last time you visited a place of worship and was there a particular reason for your visit?

I go for three reasons, to learn, to serve God, and to fellowship, and enjoy community perks such as a beautiful church building, or food and music and friends. Religion & Spirituality

12 d

What made you change your significant other for someone els?

He was very shy and would not pursue me or make me feel appreciated. He was just a passive receiver. Relationships

12 d

Is a man’s dating prime in his 30s?

I find guys older than me attractive, up to 20 years depending how well they take care of themselves but for the average guy without genius olympic genes, I would say 10 years max. Dating

12 d

What does looking decent mean?

I find guys usually use this term when they are describing a female with qualities they consider valuable and appreciable but yet this woman lacks certain traits that would make them wholesomely... Dating

12 d

How is your relationship with your family? How often do you talk?

I have both positive and negative experiences with just about everyone in my family and some family members might be more positive than others. Relationships

12 d

Being connected mentally and emotionally?

I had a gap in my religious faith for a number of years cause I was so closed spiritually that I became totally desolate and a guy from my church felt suddenly sad and depressed the exact time I... Dating

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