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+1 y

Does anyone Find this Strange that Prince Charles is the Latest Royal to Test Positive for Covid?

Not strange as the vaccine doesn't prevent you from getting covid, it only prevents you from getting sever covid which it's not 100% effective at doing or there would be a few cases of vaccinated... Trending & News

+1 y

Handmade Gift or Store Bought gift From or To your Partner at Christmas?

Handmade gift made from store bought items. Holidays

+1 y

Are you watching the impeachment hearing?

Nope, it's kinda pointless when the democrats know it's gonna hit a dead end in the republican controlled senate. Trending & News

+1 y

Now that the leader of ISIS is deceased, what is the future of ISIS? Is this a means to an end of ISIS?

Nope, ISIS will continue to as usual just like Al Qaeda did after Bin Laden was killed. Trending & News

+1 y

Who likes Tulsi Gabbard? Why? Would you vote for her in the primary?

I like Tulsi, she's the only one who has the guts to stand up to the military industrial complex. A great example of these guts is during the 2016 primary when she stated on live TV she didn't... Trending & News

+1 y

What are the lyrics or a verse to any love song or song that containes the word love that comes to mind first?

"I Believe that you and me We can see the way is love tonight. And who knows maybe the truth can be learned by everyone with what we do can right the wrong because Hearts listen become a... Valentine's Day

+1 y

Do you have a valentine?

Can't say that I do. Valentine's Day

+1 y

Hilary Rodham Clinton likely to run again for the 2020 presidential race. Your thoughts?

OMG no, when is this bitch gonna understand no one wants her as President. She lost to the most electable president in US history, and had to resort to rigging a primary. Trending & News

+1 y

Does THESE pics make you want to vote democrat even more?

Fuck no, me wan't to vote independent. Trending & News

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