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6 mo

Should 9/11 be a federal holiday?

it should be a day of national remembrance like Pearl Harbor day, but becoming a national holiday would make it a federal holiday right? i believe that is the case which means another day the... Society & Politics

6 mo

Can you live in North America without a credit card?

yes. while cash and checks are being accepted less and less you can always use debit cards which don't require require and credit checks or good credit scores. frankly if you are bad with credit... Society & Politics

6 mo

Is it really that surprising to say you're from Texas?

i imagine perhaps foreigners are just unaware of how many mexican americans there are in america and in particular Texas. No American should ever be surprised. hell texas was mexican territory... Society & Politics

6 mo

Being forced up on the region, would israel ever achieve security through military power?

i think that the typical approach has clearly not worked for centuries. so there is no reason to think it will work today even if israel is somehow able to remove Hamas from Gaza there is no... Society & Politics

6 mo

Can make a decent living with a child on $18.50 an hour if you budget and don’t spend beyond what you can afford?

depends on where you live. you're talking about $38.5k pre-tax, so probably more like $30k, it is possible. depends on where you live, and how much you can really budget. i would say you'd be at... Society & Politics

6 mo

Would the younger Americans draft dodge if a World War were to start?

it would depend on the war. the reasons for it and what side we are fighting for. if the war were for a cause like WWII then i would certainly accept my draft notice. i can say for sure i wouldn't... Society & Politics

6 mo

Are Japanese women forcing foreign men to have kids with them?

you used to be able to report questions as nonsense. i will we still had that option Society & Politics

6 mo

From two which is most important issue?

the biggest priority of both parties should be increasing compensation/wages while reducing inflation of the lower and middle classes. for decades inflation has outpaced wage growth exponentially.... Society & Politics

6 mo

How can a person of race be racist to a white person?

what is a person of race? how can a person be racist to a white person? just be racist to a white person. racism is the belief that a race is better or worse than another or that people of a... Society & Politics

6 mo

Why is Biden in bed with Isreal?

israel is an ally. biden isn't doing anything different than most presidents in terms of dealign with an ally but lets be clear he has also condemned actions, recommended alternative actions, and... Society & Politics

6 mo

Can you be a non-violent racist? And what would be the point?

yes you can be a non-violent racist why? because you can. there is nothing inherent in racism that suggest a person must be violent. racism is just the belief that a race is better or worse than... Society & Politics

6 mo

Oh my God the horror. Biden handing out candy for Halloween - how UN-Presidential of him?

but i'm sure they were ok with Trump and Melania handing out candy Society & Politics

6 mo

Are you going to blame "Sleepy Joe", Obama, or China when the fault falls on the person you still want to be back in the White House?

it's funny we blame the people who inherit the mess left by republicans and then think we need a republican to fix it Society & Politics

6 mo

Should GAG include a non-binary option instead of just boy or girl?

yes. why not. i do think it's hilarious how many get all in a twist over the fact that some people not indentify the way they want them to G@G Community

6 mo

Do you support Israel or Hamas?

i support a peaceful resolution that gives the civilians of palestine, israel and gaza the ability to live a normal life without seeming never ending threat of war Society & Politics

6 mo

Should Joe back out and endorse this young guy?

how do we know he has no skeletons? anyway. no the incumbent doesn't drop out of the race for an unknown. if this guy was the rising star of the democratic party with lots of achievements behind... Society & Politics

6 mo

Do you realize that Ukraine can't win?

the win is remaining a sovereign nation. it's odd to think that because of the repair you have to do to your nation that you somehow don't seem value in winning a war. WWII would look a lot... Society & Politics

6 mo

Is America is true friend of Ukraine or Ukraine fooling US n stealing millions of dollars on the name of war?

we've been an ally with Ukraine for decades, basically since the fall of communism. we've been providing aid for decades. i don't know what you think they are doing with the millions of dollars... Society & Politics

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