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6 mo

Is anyone getting tired of all these wars?

yes... and it may be seen as an excuse but it is sort of just human nature right? since the dawn of humanity have been violent conflicts. in fact we may be a slightly more peaceful world than we... Society & Politics

6 mo

Are you afraid of nuclear war?

no. i do not believe nuclear war is in our near future. it would lead to mutual destruction on a large scale Society & Politics

6 mo

Why is that political left wing people tend to care more about culture and the arts then people on the political right?

is that the case? what party has been losing it over bud light? country music? i think in recent times it's become pretty much the same on both sides. everyone is overly sensitive. triggered to... Society & Politics

6 mo

What is the best way to boycott pbs?

turn off the channel. boom. solved your problem. Society & Politics

6 mo

What was the purpose of the Iran Deal?

the goal to financially incentivize them to cease nuclear programs. their economy had been in the tanks so it idea was is we bosltered their economy then they may feel compelled to stop the... Society & Politics

6 mo

When the media and the world demands Israel “show restraint,” use a “proportional response,” “take measured actions,” what is their real agenda?

i think the goal is to not sink to the level of terrorists who target women and children and allow women and children to be their human shields. one bad turn doesn't deserve another. and in... Society & Politics

6 mo

Would you report a girl who is addicted to Crack Cocaine to the police?

if i knew their friends or family i'd tell them to try and get them some help. but i wouldn't bring law enforcement into the picture Society & Politics

6 mo

Whose side are you on between Palestine and Israel?

neither one nor the other. i'm for the peaceful resolution of a geo-political war that has taken the lives of 1000s upon 1000s of innocent people. both leaderships have enough blood on their hands. Society & Politics

6 mo

Should the mass media be held criminally liable for inciting riots/violence if they are intentionally misreporting world events?

i guess. but i suppose then we have to define what the penalties are. and international laws like this are pretty much non-existent. i'm all for holding the media to standards. but it is a he said... Society & Politics

6 mo

Now that Sidney Powell has pleaded guilty to lying about Trump's bogus election claims, now what?

nothing really. if she hasn't hopefulyl she will be disbarred. but the reality is he filed dozens of suits, all were thrown out by the courts. some by republican judges. some by judges appointed... Society & Politics

6 mo

Is the USA going to end up being the world's piggy bank?

world's piggy bank? no but what happened last night is no different than what we've been doing since the end of WWII. EVERY SINGLE PRESIDENT HAS DONE THIS. nothing is different today then it was... Society & Politics

6 mo

President Biden has said he supports Israel. Today he said he will send 100 million dollars to the Palestinians. Is he buying votes? ?

i think he generally supports both he's not supporting hamas (the terrorists), he sending humanitarian aid to the soem 7million palestinians and those in Gaza. he has been critical of both... Society & Politics

6 mo

Is This A Far Left Insurrection?

they staged a sit it. it's not an insurrection. if this is an insurrection then 2021 was a coup attempt Society & Politics

6 mo

Why do you think so many Islamic countries (50+) will not accept Gaza refugees?

because they don't want to weaken the claim to the land by allowing people to leave. it's a fairly callous political decision giving priority to the stakes of abandoning the land over the safety... Society & Politics

6 mo

Do you still support Black Lives Matter?

i mean what do we mean when we say we support BLM? most of us have never given a dime to them, so do i really support the organization? No i dont, and never have but i support the concept of... Society & Politics

6 mo

Should pregnant women get paid leave from work even before the birth of the baby?

i think they should be granted an amount of paid leave. if they opt to use it prior to the birth of a child they can but then it reduces the amount of paid leave after the child is born Society & Politics

6 mo

Where would you place my mom on a political compass?

i'd say she is politically amorphous. her opinions do not align with a political ideology. Society & Politics

6 mo

Should an Election Denier be “elected” speaker?

a person who was democratically elected should allowed to be able to hold office when he thinks democratic elections are rigged Society & Politics

6 mo

Why did Donald Trump praise the terrorist group Hezbollah?

not really in-fighting. they are opponents vying for the republican presidential nomination why did trump praise hezbollah? cause he's a POS Society & Politics

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