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6 mo

The Wickedness of Cancel Culture

i don't know. we have freedom of speech but not freedom from consequence. a company deserves the right to decide who is employed by their company. if a person is making statements that either fly... Society & Politics

+1 y

The Democrats Are Moving Further Left

i don't think growing gaps means moving further left or right or simply an entrenchment in ideology. but leadership overall is (both sides) pretty moderate. if the leadership reflects the voters i... Society & Politics

+1 y

Ted Cruz admits to speaking “lousy Spanish”; Ted Cruz speaks little to conversational Spanish.

he should be very concerned over his future after a essentially unheard of democrat nearly won an election in a deeply red state Society & Politics

+1 y

Football: English Premier league is Way Better Than La Liga!

i agree that the epl is better. the competition from top to bottom is far more interesting. la liga has about 2-4 teams that regularly compete (i mean really it is a two team league), a bunch of... Sports

+1 y

11 of My Favorite Protest Songs

good list... just a few of my faves. not really comprehensive bob dylan - hurricane the rolling stones - street fighting man and sweet black angel Bob Marley - War, Concrete Jungle, and Them... Society & Politics

+1 y

In This "Mixed Bag" of Great Female Soccer Players, Who Would You Pick as Your Favorite?

i'd probably say abby wambach. mia hamm was really awesome and the quintessential midfield leader but i feel like the competition wasn't as tough then Sports

+1 y

Freedom of Speech Does Not Mean Freedom From Consequences

you'd hope this type of clear and easy to understand explanation would end the rants and raves about freedom of speech... but sadly those who should read it probably won't Society & Politics

+1 y

Justice Kennedy: I Really Don’t Care, Do U?

yea this is a huge huge deal. the best the democrats and non-right people can hope is a democratic swing in mid term elections so they can hold up nominees who aren't rather moderate. you are... Society & Politics

+1 y

A Historical Look at Women's Roles in the Military

great take. it's so important to realize that women in combat roles is not new. obviously a person's fitness for combat should always be considered; however, that consideration should be made... Society & Politics

+1 y

Is it Time for Jews to Leave Europe?

the reasons to not leave Europe aren't because it's not so bad or because if you don't identify as jewish you don't experience hate the reason to leave is that you don't run from the problem.... Society & Politics

+1 y

Girl Wears Asian Style Dress To Prom: Is It Cultural Appropriation?

it is cultural appropriation. but there is nothing wrong with wearing the traditional dress of other cultures Society & Politics

+1 y

Do You Believe Poor People Are Poor Because They're Bad With Money?

it can be a matter of being bad with money but it can be a number of other potential reasons. Society & Politics

+1 y

How Pres. George Bush Conned the World Using the Past Perfect Tense 'HAD' As a Deceptive Reason To Invade Iraq

i think the language was clever in so much as making it possible for bush say he didn't lie. he "had" all those things means that if we go over there and find nothing bush didn't necessarily lie... Society & Politics

+1 y

Moral or Immoral?

i think you are asking a very layered question about military. there is little moral in the actual application of fighting forces more often than not. in syria we can say we are there to protect... Society & Politics

+1 y

No Revolution Works Without Violence!

yea when i saw the "no revolution works without violence" i immediately started thinking of all the non-violent revolutions i could think of it seems to me if you really total it up the number... Society & Politics

+1 y

Calm Down Gays, The Fight Is Over!

yeah the fight is far from over. in america we have businesses trying to deny service to homosexuals. there is still tons of fights regarding LGBT adoptive parents. as you mentioned the suicide... Society & Politics

+1 y

School Kids Plan Walkout - They Are Fed Up with Prayers and Thoughts and Good Wishes

i'd be fed up with prayers and thoughts. clearly the thoughts and prayers haven't done a damn thing. i'm glad to see these young people motivated and activated. it's their lives at risk.... Society & Politics

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