Moral or Immoral?


Everyday we see it happening more often, people who are having debates/arguing about opinions on things and if they are moral or immoral.

'This take', is to see how we are able to think about something Immoral and decide it's morally correct and even defend that opinion as if our lives depend on it. Not willing to see any other perspective that may lead them to the fact that what they are doing may actually be immoral and change it.

Is this avoidance? Denial? Fear for failure? Public image loss? Loss of power? Mind control?

Before I'm going to take a closer look at that, I'm going to give a few examples which are in my opinion quite immoral, but are sold as morally correct. I know that many of you will probably disagree and I will try to give arguments based on facts as to why I think this to be true. I myself have one golden rule:

One should treat others the same way they themselves would want to be treated.

From this view I present to you the next topics.

The military (and most jobs in uniform)

Moral or Immoral?

Authority is what we have given them. Under the illusion that we need "them" to keep us safe. We think we need to entrust a certain group of people that get to have "more knowledge or intel" than us "the people". They sell "us" (those who perfectly fit their profile) a job and than we entrust them to make "good" decisions for us which are executed by "those who got hired" without questions asked and that's supposed to be the moral thing to do? When we the people ask about why certain things that are done, we never get a complete answer. So if one of them says "shoot", there's always someone to pull the trigger without ever having asked one question in doubt about how he maybe doing the wrong thing. Is this right? Is this really morally correct? Yet we all keep motivating men/women to enlist. (note, that when you get accepted, you give up your rights to refuse orders and ask questions!)

Okay so you can throw the argument "need to know bases"… so what makes "our" safety not "OUR" need to know? Why is the military pumping so much money into their resources and enhancements if there shouldn't be reason to ever use it? Just because some people have a big mouth and point their finger, doesn't mean the masses have to follow.

You can say that without the military we never would have won WWII or any other war. Without any military men willing to follow so blindly against their own morals there never would have been a WWII or any other war.

Still we have men joining the military everyday. Plenty of countries still have mandatory military service. We women are "known" for loving a man in uniform, this so called attraction is only motivating men to enlist. Most of them end up being completely mindfu*ked at the end of the day, for doing things that are immoral, and they get to come home to their wife, who wants to rip his clothes off and then afterwards complain they have an abusive husband and he never came back the same. Is this really morally correct?


Is cheating these days something to be considered a normal thing to do? Betraying your SO and hurting them like no other? Is it seriously OK to wonder about like you're single while being in a serious relationship? I'm not talking about polygamy here (which in my opinion shouldn't be done either. But if people consent to each other on their own accord who am I to judge them), I'm talking about couples whom are in a serious monogamous relationship with each other.

We have all seen them on G@G here. Questions like, is it cheating if… ??

Moral or Immoral?

Life is short… so have an affair?

There's this new hype, dating websites promoting their service for finding "second love" and saying it's OK to cheat. There are tons of these websites. The most dating websites participate in this propaganda and they've built specific websites designed for cheating, I'm not saying they are different from one another, but it's utterly unacceptable that they are being promoted as IT'S OK TO CHEAT! Which is NOT ok! It is IMMORAL!

and I know we all have our own definitions on the term "cheating" and the argument on whether you can keep a secret or not. Secrets don’t belong in a relationship. Trust does. Loyalty does, most of all honesty. So why is there such confusion about cheating? If you are hiding it, then what you are doing is wrong!

People make up reasons everyday why it's ethically acceptable to cheat in certain situations. There is but one exception to the rule which should have it's own chapter and that's rape. Any other reason or rational thinking, is no excuse for betraying your SO's trust like that. It's immoral!

Yet we talk and act like it's one of the mandatory daily activities. How is this right? How can this be considered morally correct? And even worse, be acted upon as morally correct?


Moral or Immoral?

When feminism was brought to our attention it was to fight for women's rights, including the right to vote, to hold public office, to work, to earn fair wages or equal pay, to own property, to receive education, to enter contracts, to have equal rights within marriage, and to protect women and girls from rape, sexual harassment, and domestic violence.

And may it be noted that it is fantastic that they have managed to achieve all of these goals.

Only these days, things are subtly being made immoral, women being "brainwashed" into thinking they can run from their biological build. That we can "just" be as men. And therefor "men" can be as women. This is soo wrong on so many levels, I'm having troubles on where to start. Women are naturally built to give birth and nurture. Men are built to provide and protect. Why is it so wrong to uphold these biological facts? I'am not implying women can’t work, or men can't babysit, in my opinion it's just not natural. But these are not the morally incorrect values I want to present to you, what I do want to present is how far feminism is going nowadays.

Women are being influenced in ways to increase divorce rates by separation of a working team by

teaching women to accept a set of beliefs about independence, without questioning any of them.

Any men who have ever had an argument with they're wife/girlfriend knows they have been told that they (the women/girls) are always right even though that's not true. When men seek equal say so in making decisions, they are accused of being controlling. Good men have fallen under the propaganda and are now afraid to approach women in fear of sexual harassment. Women/girls are supporting abortions as a form of birth control at staggering rates. Feminism makes it in some cases incredibly hard for women who do want to make a home and family their 'career' and their first priority.

Feminism promotes a view of women that is only true for some women -- roughly 10 to 20% depending on where you are in the world. For those women, Feminism is empowering. For other women, children and most men, it is the opposite.

Feminism has come to a point where it's causing division and confusion between our sexes, how can this be anything other than immoral?


In my opinion, all of this is morally wrong, this behavior, this way of thinking and the fact we teach our children to behave the same. In the beginning of this Take, I asked "Is this avoidance? Denial? Fear for failure? Public image loss? Loss of power? Mind control?" Now at the end when I look at this Take, all I see is…


This has nothing to do with avoidance, denial, fear for failure or public image loss. It has everything to do with power and in some way a huge amount of mind control, subliminal advertising, social indoctrination or whatever name you want to call it. You can call me crazy all you want, it is what's happening right now.

Keep your eyes closed and enjoy the illusion or open your eyes and live in reality.

Moral or Immoral?
11 Opinion