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1 mo

If you do push ups throughout the day, will it form your abs?

They won't hurt, but there are exercises other than push-ups that are far more helpful for ab work. Rotational machine is great. Try to balance your back extension work with your ab contraction... Health & Fitness

2 mo

Do you believe in the effects of placebos?

I do not believe in the effect of placebos. I DO believe in the "placebo effect", and there is a vast difference. The placebo effect is more relating to the body/brain connection than a purely... Health & Fitness

2 mo

What is your Go-To drink on a Hot Summer Day... Juice, Water or Sport Drink?

Water, but lightly iced and with a few drops of lemon. No sugar. Health & Fitness

2 mo

When exhausted where do you feel it the Most?

Yup shoulders, plus my eyes. Health & Fitness

2 mo

Which do you celebrate this year (2024)?

We'll probably have a nice dinner tonight to avoid the crowds tomorrow. Valentine's Day

2 mo

If the world had a vote to keep or remove Valentines Day as a holiday which way would you go?

We have to have SOME holiday to use up all the red stuff left over from Christmas and then St Pat's to use up the green. Valentine's Day

2 mo

Can you notice there’s some muscle in my glutes or am I delulu?

The gluteus minimus on either side (the highest glute muscle) is well-defined, the lower glutes less so. Simple exercise - You can use cables or stretch bands anchored in front of you and around... Health & Fitness

2 mo

What’s the longest you haven’t showered?

About three days on a mission trip to Haiti. Health & Fitness

2 mo

If I only eat 1 meal each day for the next 3 months, will I lose weight?

I don't think you will. Your body will be looking for those calories during the remaining 23.5 hours and you will be cheating the "diet" somehow. You will have a much better chance at success if... Health & Fitness

2 mo

How should I dress for a Valentine's day dance?

Just wear something red- whatever it is. Valentine's Day

2 mo

Name Something That Has Actually As Of Now Turned You Totally OFF?

Commercials where the best they can do is a happy dance to plug a product. I want a list of the virtues of the product, and these 10-15 second adverts just do not cut it! Save me time, save me... Health & Fitness

3 mo

What is your favourite time of the day to workout or train?

I hate them all, but I still have to do it, whenever I can squeeze it in lately. I used to go about 10:00 in the morning 3x/week several years ago when I was quite diligent. Health & Fitness

3 mo

What do you expect from your lover on February 14?

We usually splurge and split a box of chocolates and cards. Valentine's Day

3 mo

What makes you feel refreshed after a long day?

An almost-hot shower and an almost-ice-cold Coke! Health & Fitness

3 mo

Do you B. F (brush and floss) your teeth regularly?

Yes. But, they WILL get yellow, unless you specifically bleach them. Health & Fitness

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