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11 mo

I went from preferring men to be older than me to liking younger boys now - discussing how my taste has changed over the years

It's probably like training wheels for relationships, though to a different extent for different people. The first woman I was with was older by a few years, though that went nowhere. Generally... Relationships

+1 y

The Truths about cheating that nobody likes to hear

Bravo, I have a wide scope of knowledge, but fail to reach that depth. My experience with cheating was simply it was something in my first marriage that she did to hurt me and cause drama. I tried... Relationships

+1 y

Why Women Are Single! A warning on how to avoid a lifetime of singlehood & misery!

Most of those are legit. Also why you see so many more guys as players now. It hasn't suddenly become more desirable to play the field for a lot of effort and be lonely for all that effort. It's... Society & Politics

+1 y

Why The Number of Sexual Partners Matters

I liked reading it, and the partners do matter. Not on my end, I have memory issues, so there is no number. I can recall that there have been more partners who left to get back with an ex, or... Relationships

+1 y

Looks Are More Important Than Personality

Marriage is a business contract. Everything else is a bullseye, if you're waiting for love, or putting arbitrary rules and expectations on how it should play out, you'll just wind up very lonely.... Relationships

+1 y

Homosexual marriage has been mandated, so what's next? Here's what's next!

It'll probably pass in court, what I find funny is that no one wants to allow bigamy. For some that extends to religious and cultural identity as well as personal and sexual, but I guarantee more... Society & Politics

+1 y

Guns Aren't The Problem, Violent Criminals Are!

I have to agree with you there, I have bought and owned many weapons, in younger years doing more stupid things, if they were going to be used in crime at all, they were bought second hand with no... Society & Politics

+1 y

The immediate fate of a nation: Give me liberty or give me death!

Honestly, I think there will be an "awakening" as you say, when the realization of you can't make 2+2=5. The problem will be that there won't be a 4 left anymore. Both the right and left are... Society & Politics

+1 y

GirlsAskGuys Relationship Panel Q&A

Outstanding, I love the opinions, and the graphics, your eyes look all googeley in the last one. Relationships

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