Best friend vs boyfriend?

I am in high school and my guy best friend and I dated the very beginning of 8th grade. We broke up after about a month and a half and...

Someone tell me what this guy wants?

So I had a one night stand with this guy on NYE almost 2 years ago. It resulted in me having a baby. Well I was living with my ex at the...

Why did he get mad?

No telling me off please, just don't respond if u only want to blast me. On my affair partners s anniversary, I sent him a Happy Facade...

Guys, If your live in boyfriend suddenly takes your relationship status down off of Facebook after 4 and no a half years what would you think? ?

He and I have had our own jobs, bank accounts, vehicles, but he does continue to seek out random women that he has had past...

How do you feel about big age gaps within relationships?

What's a no go when it comes to age gaps for you? Is it about legality? Maturity? Circumstances? Personally, I don't give shits about...
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