How I view the path and key to knowledge - Bible Talk

I believe that the key to knowledge is justice and the path to knowledge is obedience, until you understand God’s justice, and accept it...
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What I believe the most common sin is - It’s not what you think

If you ask me what the most common sin is, I would say it’s slander and wrongful accusation. I had Christians Unfriend me for...
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How the bible helped me cope with my moderate level depression

I used to get upset over things I could not control such as the past misdeeds of others, my normal looking face, my normal I.Q. range...
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Why you don’t have to surround yourself with bad people

The bible says those who are wise and professionally talented will associate with high quality people and not with layman’s riff raft or...
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A mandatory moral and social clause - most people ignore

I believe that it’s essential to your religious life that you give people the benefit of the doubt, in university during my first...
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How I interpret Matthew 6:33 - with an added bonus

The bible says in Matthew 6:33 that if you seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, than all things will be added unto you....
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Why some people have such a harsh understanding of God

My friend told me the one who lives without love would be judged without love when they die. The way I understand that is the one who...
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Christian men, would you gouge your eyes out if you sinned with them?

“And if your eye causes you to sin, gouge it out and throw it away. It is better for you to enter life with one eye than to have two...

Do you know most 'Christian' doctrines and traditions are actually not from the Bible?

The corruption of the Biblical theology and introductions of unbiblical doctrines and traditions is well known amongst historians, but...

What kinds of animals existed when the first human was made?

So in my Bible it shows all of the modern day animals, but they didn’t occur for a while. And this didn’t happen in Heaven so I don’t...

Can God do evil?

"the Lord repented of the evil which he thought to do unto his people." "when his disciples James and John saw this, they said,...

Why do people have such a dogmatic view of science?

It’s annoying when people say “I don’t believe in God, I believe in Science.” Okay, well you’re just replacing “God” with another God,...

Is it going against God to get a breast reduction surgery?

I think my boobs are way too big and guys hit on me all the time. It's just really annoying.

What is your religion?

I am a Baháʼí #ReligiousDemographics
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What religion do you follow?

Give me a Sentence that defines your religion.
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You ever feel like you were on the edge of failure and needed God to help you?

So I have been doing research for my book for over a year now and there were many times where I thought - if I was just slightly dumber...
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Does Religion Do More Harm Than Good?

Wars, insurrections, child abuse, homophobia, misogyny, racism, hatred, delusions, lies, QAnon, Taliban, the list goes on and on. Is...
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