How the bible helped me cope with my moderate level depression

How the bible helped me cope with my moderate level depression

I used to get upset over things I could not control such as the past misdeeds of others, my normal looking face, my normal I.Q. range and my lack of physical strength, but then I realized that life is what you make of it, I can focus on the good deeds of others and not on their bad deeds, I can change my appearance through exercise and clothes and hair extensions, I can raise my intelligence by focusing on skill development and not on birth aptitudes and I can increase my strength with training and muscle work outs and meditation and legal cordyceps mushrooms. I realized, my life was something I had a lot of control over and I was not a victim of circumstances or situations I could not handle, and also that being positive and happy is cost free, effortless once you’ve become accustomed to it, and far more effective than any pill or expensive vacation or lobster tail dinner. As the bible teaches, a cheerful person is like a person who eats at a Chinese buffet everyday, except the cheerful person does not become obese, only happier.

How the bible helped me cope with my moderate level depression
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