How many romantic partners have you lived/cohabited with in your lifetime? How long was the longest cohabitation?

How many romantic partners have you lived/cohabited with in your lifetime? How long was the longest cohabitation?

"Living together" or "cohabiting" means that either one or both of you gave up your previous living quarters and moved in with the other, so that if there was an argument, you couldn't get in your car and go home. . . because you were already home. And it covers couples that were married as well as unmarried couples. But it doesn't include relationships in which you would spend weekends at her apartment.

I have lived with six women over the span of 53 years of dating. The first was Pat, a girl who came in and out of my life over a period of decades. Ultimately, she cheated on me with another female. Yes, I believe that part of the infidelity was prompted by her bisexuality. We lived together for a total of five years.

Next was Evelyn, 11 years older than me, a rebound from Pat and a horrible choice for me. We lived together for about five months. She moved out after confessing that she cheated on me with my former roommate.

Debby and I lived together for 15 years, Lynn and I for 5 years, and another bad decision and I lived together for about 2 years.

Helen and I started living together three years ago. It is the best relationship I have ever had.

If I could go back in time. . . three of the first five should have never happened. Fortunately, I've learned from my mistakes.

What is your history of living with partners? Any regrets? Lessons learned?

I have never lived with a romantic partner
I have lived with one romantic partner
I have lived with two romantic partners
I have lived with three romantic partners
I have lived with four romantic partners
I have lived with five or more romantic partners
Something else that I'll explain in a comment
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How many romantic partners have you lived/cohabited with in your lifetime? How long was the longest cohabitation?
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