Why you don’t have to surround yourself with bad people

Why you don’t have to surround yourself with bad people

The bible says those who are wise and professionally talented will associate with high quality people and not with layman’s riff raft or societal sluggards. To me this verse implies that those who gain experience and apply wise and delicately trained techniques and sacrificial skill development in their lives will have high quality friendships and interactions and not low quality ones and the way I define skill is simple: Relevance and Truth.

The process of gaining skill involves discernment, observation, boldness, objectivity and sensitivity to social and nuanced triggers and a calibrated ability to optimize cloistered multi-layered algorithms or sensorium bound quality, as well as a personally acclimated life that diligent pursues and engages these things, but it’s definitely something a committed person can do, so to me a skilled person is a trained perceptual person, such people, will serve before the elite and not before the social misfits of the academic scale.

Why you don’t have to surround yourself with bad people
4 Opinion