Why some people have such a harsh understanding of God

Why some people have such a harsh understanding of God

My friend told me the one who lives without love would be judged without love when they die.

The way I understand that is the one who lives without sympathy for others, will be judged without sympathy by God, so the cruelty God shows you is related to the cruelty you show others, for example: If somebody insults you, what is your reaction? Is it that they deserve to be disinvited to your best friends birthday party or is it that they deserve to be shot or severely beaten?

What would you do to your enemies if you were an emperor with infinite power? Would you force them to eat hot peppers for 2 minutes or would you jail them for 50 years? The sympathy you show others, is the sympathy God will show you and the cruelty you show others is the cruelty God will show you. (W you stumble and fall to fail to live up to the standard.) So, if you plan on being hateful to somebody for something they cannot control (I.e., Race, bone structure, age…), be prepared for damnation when God judges you for something you have no control over, such as your inability to live a perfect life or do everything without mistakes etc…

I know a lot of people who have easy lives and yet still believe God is loving, they forgave the failures of others, so God forgave their failures but of course a little relaxation is possible but nobody can be totally lazy and still have a relationship with God, I’m referring to partially lazy people and not totally lazy people when I use the word “lazy.” Etc…

Why some people have such a harsh understanding of God
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