How I interpret Matthew 6:33 - with an added bonus

How I interpret Matthew 6:33 - with an added bonus

The bible says in Matthew 6:33 that if you seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, than all things will be added unto you.

And I notice among the religious people I know from bible studies at school, all the genuinely religious woman looked like super models and had amazing social relationships and were either raised in wealthy families or had good careers or rich husbands.

While all the men got top grades, had good careers, were wealthy and stable in their finances, and mostly all of them were tall or had super cute faces to make up for low stature, and nearly all were fit or muscular or both.

What these attractive men and woman all had in common was that they all worshiped God and they all cared about helping and acknowledging their neighbours. The ones I know that did not succeed usually had hidden sins in their life that were blocking their success.

Now I’m referring only to people I met in the Christian fellowship, not to people outside the bible studies who might not submit to the same kingdom laws on earth.

How I interpret Matthew 6:33 - with an added bonus
6 Opinion