
Search Results: want to give him a hickey

Boyfriend cheated on me drunk, how to cope?

My boyfriend of almost one year ended getting drunk with this random girl from the bar one night away Town from me. He ended up f***ing her that night . He has told me more or less he didn't remember too much what...
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Braces and Relationships?

So I'll be getting braces in a few days. I have some concerns over braces and Relationships. So will having braces effect my relationship? I really don't want to hurt my boyfriend. Will my braces get stuck on things a...
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Could it be he blocked me because he thought I wasn't interested?

This guy picked me up at a concert two weeks ago. We went to his car and made out hard, he asked if we should have sex but he didn't have protection so he said he'll use his hand (which hurt though, I suspect I have...
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Do I have trust issues as she say? Or it's her actions that makes me doubt?

I know this girl for about 2 month lately she act worried when I kiss her she's afraid if I leave hickey before it was okay now she's very nervous and refuse and when I asked her why? Her reaction was obviously she's...
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What are some of your personal shallow/petty dealbreakers?

— For starters, I can’t date a dude who doesn’t like to give/receive hickeys. He can go jump off the nearest cliff lol! Yea i’m still mad about those answers on my other post 😂 —If a dude is under 5’7 or over 6’3, the...
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I really enjoy spending time with this girl, but am I pretty much the hook up buddy?

Long story short, I met this woman at a friend's birthday celebration at a bar. We were very into each other, she came back to my place and we hooked up. The morning after we took a shower together, and I ordered her a...
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Am I in the wrong?

So I told this guy friend of mine I had feelings for him months ago He doesn’t feel the same way and that’s okay Tho recently we had a fight (i mean he was fighting, i never got angry, i was just sad) because I got...
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2 mo

How do I know if he caught feelings?

So here are some things we’ve done together: - We went to the movies together he held my hand - He always asks me to sleepover at his house - I met his mom - He got jealous and left hickeys on my neck when he...
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Spending the weekend together (unintentionally) - dates #13-15

I spent the weekend with my now-boyfriend and though it wasn't intentional, I had a great time. Here are the last three posts I made about him (there won't be a post about date #12): Cold weather, all the feels and...

The Fabulous Life of an Only Child

Anyone with a sibling has gotten angry and thought an only child has got it made not having to share anything or I wish I was an only child, well here are some reasons why being the only kid isn't always the dream life...