
Search Results: A Life With Chronic Illness

A Life With Chronic Illness

On my 30th birthday, my best friend had planned this amazing trip to party in Austin. I wasn't keen on the thought of relinquishing my 20's, but she was hell bent on improving my mood with a good old bit of birthday...

10 Things You Learn Living with a Chronic Illness

One of the best ways I've ever heard living with a chronic illness described is a guy who said it was like living in a world where everyone had a self driving car that no one had to do anything with to get to function...

10 Things You Should Never Say To Someone with a Chronic Illness

A few years ago, I got what I thought was food poisoning. I'd never taken any days off work, I worked 50 hour work weeks while also operating my own business on the weekends. I was busy all the time, and so, it was under...

Why I sometimes don’t like to identify as part of the chronic illness community

For my entire life, I’ve been dealing with a number of chronic health conditions. At first it started with the common conditions such as asthma and eczema. Then it turned into some lesser known conditions. It’s hard to...

Mental Health Day and Chronic Illness

On this, World Mental Health Day, I wanted to talk about something near to me, which is mental health in relation to chronic illness. In the US alone, 133 million people are estimated to suffer from chronic illness. I am...

Stop telling people with chronic illnesses to change their diet or try herbal medicines!

I recently shared a myTake about psoriasis and my experiences with it. I wrote it because I wanted to end the stigma and educate people about it - I wasn't asking for health advice . Little did I know that about half...

Do you think people with messed up lives purpose is to make others feel good about their life.. you know the saying, it could be worse?

I came to the conclusion that my purpose in life is to make others feel good about their lives because I suffer from a chronic illness and erectile dysfunction.
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Living with Chronic Disease

I remember my mom and dad sitting in the front seat of the car with my mom trying to hold back tears because she didn't want to say it, but when the doctor said in front of us that given my blood work, I might have Lupus,...

What is COPD? Covid is not the only killer, of lives and relationships

You all keep asking what's happening to you? Why are you so angry all the time? What happened? Well, you got it folks. I'm telling you what happened. I got diagnosed with COPD, stage 2. If any of you remembers, in the...

A Bad Day With Chronic Pain

Over the last few years, I have been diagnosed with two, somewhat rare (basically under diagnosed and little known about them) conditions - Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTs) and Ehlers Danlos Syndrome...

My girlfriend is very unhealthy and I am not sure what to do or say?

We’ve been going out for over a year, at first everything was great but she slowly started having more and more issues. It’s gotten to the point now where every time we hang out, something goes wrong and I end up taking...
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How to I work through the resentment I feel towards my "ex"?

I'm back after 3 years because I want to talk about what happened in 2019 when I was a naive grad school student. I was seeing a guy from my church who was nearing the end of a rehab program. It was a subtle and...
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How Bipolar Disorder has impacted my life: The truth of what it's like to suffer a mental illness!

Well, it's always been hard to talk about how Bipolar Disorder has shaped my life. First off, what is Bipolar Disorder? Mayo Clinic defines it as "a disorder associated with episodes of mood swings ranging from depressive...

Am I overreacting, is this normal when living with your parents?

I’m a 19 y/o female and I still live at home. I have 3 younger siblings and mother with a chronic illness. For the last 5 years I have found increasingly stressful to live at home but I’m not in the financial...
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Help with getting SSI disability benefits, I have a few question?

I'm 32, and I have been struggling with employment my entire adult life. I haven't had regular medical insurance since I was 22, so not only cannot I not afford the required testing to prove some of the conditions that I...
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Im 15 is this abuse😪?

Well im 15 and girl my whole life i been growing up to a drug addicted father i have been starving and depressed i feel lost my grandmother past away when i was 10 years old lately he's been on a drug run chasing drug's...
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Is it strange that I don’t enjoy eating?

The last time that I remember actually enjoying food and the act of eating, was when I was 17. Coincidentally right before my chronic illness started. But since then, eating is such a chore. I still have foods that I...
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Should one always fight their dark thoughts or find acceptance?

I came to think of many things that seemed to be more beneficial to our mentality. I had my own dark phase which luckily turned around before it was too late. Throughout this phase everyday was a struggle as the thoughts...
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One In 133 Million

I'm not unique. I'm one of the 133 million American's, nearly 40% of the population that lives with chronic illness. And it sucks. The best way I ever heard someone describe chronic illness was to imagine everyone on the...

Boyfriend's ulcerative colitis is making him mean to me, anyone else have experience with UC?

My boyfriend has ulcerative colitis and he has been having a flare-up for the last three weeks. I've noticed that when he is ill (whether it's a cold or his UC acting up) he tends to be in his own world, only caring about...
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