Should one always fight their dark thoughts or find acceptance?

I came to think of many things that seemed to be more beneficial to our mentality. I had my own dark phase which luckily turned around before it was too late. Throughout this phase everyday was a struggle as the thoughts I carried were only self destructive than productive. When it comes to mental illnesses or disorders, people make it seem one carries a curse. So all we will think about it are ill thoughts. I then wondered, why can't we try perceive certain things with a positive side too. It might be a gift if you can turn around this uniquely formed perception to enhance your life. So I began to think, if in my family our genes carry lower seretonin amounts than what's normal and there is a history that many killed themselves or were in chronic depression in our family, why should I follow the same path? Instead perhaps I can be someone given a chance to go study why people give up when they reach the bottom of their life and save them? I went to the very depth of myself to discover the worst sensation that only screams death around every corner.

Metaphorically speaking, through this journey I learned that finding that which seems at disarray in you, is much more pleasant if you make good company of your "demons" and befriend all your bad thoughts. It is inevitable to avoid pain in life but at least we can choose if we suffer from it or not.

So I began to accept every mad thought I had. This only makes me aware of a location in my mind that brings up such qualities. It felt like playing a Diablo game and you unlock more areas of a map by walking from corner to corner. So I brought out every page of my own book, after this it felt like I had lit up my entire mind and everything is visible and clear to me. Now it was much easier to comfortably turn the bad thoughts into something fruitful. (When it comes to mental disorders and illnesses I am fully aware some are out of the persons own control so please read it from how I wish you to understand it) πŸ˜πŸ‘
Should one always fight their dark thoughts or find acceptance?
5 Opinion