My girlfriend is very unhealthy and I am not sure what to do or say?

We’ve been going out for over a year, at first everything was great but she slowly started having more and more issues. It’s gotten to the point now where every time we hang out, something goes wrong and I end up taking care of her: unhealthy relationship with food, either eating too much or not eating enough, panic attacks, back pain that’s so bad she can’t move, and recently she has had to go to the hospital multiple times in the last month for a chronic illness she has had for a few years. It’s an Illness that is caused by unhealthy eating habits.

She was recently told she was pre diabetic, and she goes to sleep by 7pm almost every night but never sleeps through the night or isn’t comfortable, so she isn’t getting enough exercise because she goes to sleep so early and is also not getting enough sleep because she just can’t for whatever reason.

I just legitimately don’t know what to do, because this is affecting every aspect of our relationship, and most importantly is affecting her own health. So many things are going wrong that I don’t think she can keep up with it. And I know a lot of it has to do with stress, she doesn’t have a great home life. I know she isn’t doing this on purpose and obviously doesn’t want this, but it is driving me crazy. I try to be a good influence and be supportive, but it really doesn’t seem to be getting anywhere.

She is going through so much that me telling her she needs to change will just be kicking her while she is down. I just don’t know where to draw the line between harsh truths and being supportive? The issues are so bad that I feel like all I can really do is be a shoulder to cry on, there isn’t time between the issues to really sit down and work them out. And I also don’t think it’s my place to tell her this either, but I am not sure what to do?
My girlfriend is very unhealthy and I am not sure what to do or say?
2 Opinion