
Search Results: Guys What do you mean when you describe a woman

Women, do you like guys who are "douche bags" sometimes over "nice guys"? What does that mean to you? *rant*

I had a conversation with two friends and both said they like/prefer guys with the douchbag factor more than guys who are "too nice." One described her relationship with a guy and said its similar to an abusive mentality:...
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Guys: What is the most attractive casual outfit a women can wear (in your opinion)?

What colors, types of clothing, fabric textures turn you on or make you the most attracted to a girl? Would you prefer a dress? A skirt? Or shorts with tights? Pants? Blue? red? black? white? grey? What's your favorite...
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What do men mean when they say a woman is soft spoken? How would you describe one?

If a guy tells you this is this supposed to be a trait, compliment or what?
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Why do I see so many cute girls with guys that seem to be total losers?

In asking this question I don't mean: Why do girls like jerks. I see this type of scenario often. Cute or even hot girls that are either dating, or hooking up with guys that are just total losers. Here is what I mean...
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Why are white men mostly only attracted to skinny women?

Why are white men attracted mainly just to skinny women? I'm black, for what it's worth. When black or Hispanic men describe a "curvy" or "thick" woman, they mean something like the first two women here. But white guys...
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What does it mean when a guy calls a girl mother Teresa, angel, innocent, etc?

What does it mean when a guy calls a girl mother Teresa, angel, innocent, etc... Has anyone used any of these terms to describe a woman? If so, explain what they're meant..
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Do women really want equal rights?

Okay, now before you read this please understand that I'm not trying to offend anyone. I'm not a troll, nor am I biased. I'm just being honest based on observation., so if you're offended by that then that's an issue you...
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If a guy says he likes "thin women," what does that mean? (PIC)

I hear so many different interpretations of the word thin that I'm never sure if I fit into the category. I'm not fat by any means, but I'm also not a stick with narrow hips and no butt/boobs. I have curves. In fact I...
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Guys, how can a woman "make you feel like a man"?

I saw a question about relationship dynamics, and about 30% of guys wanted a traditional wife, which was specifically described as the woman making sure the man 'felt like a man'. Having never felt like the other...
I saw a question about relationship dynamics, and about 30% of guys wanted a traditional wife, which was specifically described as the woman making sure the man 'felt like a man'. Show More
She can't, my gender identity is a fact, and she has no influence over it.
She can influence this, I will explain.
You have the phrase all wrong, I will explain.
Just a curious lady passing by
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Do some women tend to overanalyze men?

I remember reading this funny snippet a long time ago (see image). It got me thinking: Do many women tend to overanalyze their men's behavior? For example, I've noticed a common theme in many of the questions posted by...
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Why does it seem like only black men and other minority women understand white women these days? Why is it only white men constantly defending them?

I mean let’s be 100% here. I’m starting to really align myself with black guys these days. Most of them seem to actually get it when it comes down to white women. It’s only really been rich and famous black...
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Ladies, how do you describe "girl talk"?

I don't mean what the basic definition of the word is. I am asking what is your goal in having girl talk with someone else? * What does it take for you to have girl talk with someone? * Is it something you can...
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Girls, what can an introverted and 'laid back' guy like me do to better attract confident 'Type A', but still empathetic and feminine women?

I've kinda come to the understanding that I have a strong attraction to these sort of 'alpha female' type women (silly term I know but the vocabulary is widely understood, so I'll use it here for reference). But the sort...
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Is Mike Tyson a good guy?

Let's analyze Mike Tyson. Basically, people like him because he was a big mean guy in the ring. He beat guys to a pulp and became the youngest heavyweight champion in history. People love the "champ". But did you guys...
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Guys/Girls: What is your definition of "CURVY"?

I thought curvy meant a girl was thick, had little meat like Kim Kardashian, Beyonce, salma hayek ive noticed there's been a misunderstanding of this term on this site but I would just like to see what you define it as....
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Guys - Which of these Spanish words is the best compliment for a girl? How/when do you use each one?

For guys who speak Spanish - which of these words is the best/nicest to say to a girl? I know that they literally mean about the same thing, but are there certain women or situations you'd use each one for? How do you...
For guys who speak Spanish - which of these words is the best/nicest to say to a girl? I know that they literally mean about the same thing, but are there certain women or situations Show More
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Does voluptuous basically mean 'fat but fuckable'?

A guy that I'm hooking up with called me voluptuous. He said to him it means "curvy & sexy". I've only ever heard fat girls use it to describe themselves, so I looked it up on Google & it was all images of overweight...
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Would a man like a woman who is extremely gentle and soft?

Ok so it seems rare - i am very soft and gentle. Others and other women are just toughened up and hard and harsh and loud and rough and I don't know how else to describe it but its not soft and gentle like me Guys...
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Tall girls, why is a shorter guy such a big problem?

This tall woman I was talking to was ranting about how short men are so nice and thoughtful and tall men are mean but yet she still can't date a shorter man, and I told her, yes you can. You just choose not to. And I see...
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