Guys, how can a woman "make you feel like a man"?

I saw a question about relationship dynamics, and about 30% of guys wanted a traditional wife, which was specifically described as the woman making sure the man 'felt like a man'.

Having never felt like the other gender because of the way I'm being treated (bc I firmly know I'm a woman) I'm VERY confused on what that means?

Guys help a woman out (even my boyfriend had no idea what this meant)

She can't, my gender identity is a fact, and she has no influence over it.
She can influence this, I will explain.
You have the phrase all wrong, I will explain.
Just a curious lady passing by
Select gender and age to cast your vote:
+1 y
To be 100% transparent, this is how the girl described housewife. (I went back to recent opinions when one guy said that wasn't the specific reason he picked traditional)
-obey the man
-makes him feel like a man
-leads the house
+1 y
Sorry guys, I see a good fraction of men are choosing the last option "Curious lady category" It can be curious category for anyone, my bad. I'll think about that next time I make a poll.
Guys, how can a woman "make you feel like a man"?
39 Opinion