I wish I was an independent woman who doesn't need a man, but (if I'm being honest) I'm a hopeless romantic. Is that dumb? What should I do?

I wish I was an independent woman who doesnt need a man, but (if Im being honest) Im a hopeless romantic. Is that dumb? What should I do?

I really want to not care if I ever find the right man for me. I really want to be like women who are able to be happy being single for the rest of their lives if they don't find a good man. I want to be completely happy and OK with being independent and unattached (if needs be). A large part of me wants to be like those women who don't need a man in their lives to make them happy or 'complete them'.

If I'm being honest, I crave to have an amazing man in my life (and I'm not talking about my brother, my dad, my uncles, or platonic guy friends). I want a guy who deeply loves me and I deeply love him back. I want him to be both my best friend and the man who makes me feel incredible things by making sweet love to me through the night (and I don't want to experience it via hookup. I want him to be my one and only love). If I'm being honest, I don't really want to be a strong, independent woman who doesn't need a man. I want to be a woman who finds an amazing man who is her rock and is her everything.

At the same time, I've had a lot of breakup and heartbreak. I'm completely aware a ton of guys are jerks and can't be relied on. It makes me kind of scared to hope for my one true love. I'm afraid I'll just be heartbroken again and again. I really wish I was like those women who didn't care either way and were fine being on their own forever. However, as much as I try to deny it, I still want a (not platonic) man in my life incredibly badly. I still get ultra jealous when I see couples holding hands and looking into each others' eyes. Despite my better judgement, I watch 'The Notebook' over and over again. I absolutely want the kind of love Noah and Allie had. I know it's just a movie, but I know couples who have super happy, loving, and committed relationships. I want one so freaking badly! I'm just scared it won't happen to me.

Is it bad that I'm a hopeless romantic and want a man in my life as much as I do? What do you think the best mindset is?

I wish I was an independent woman who doesn't need a man, but (if I'm being honest) I'm a hopeless romantic. Is that dumb? What should I do?
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