
Search Results: How do you really feel about life

Attractive guys, do you ever feel that life is very unfair to average joes?

Average life of average attractive male: - most of females are attracted to you, eye fucking is raining from all directions, being stared at means that woman is not lesbian, and head flipping from girls (in front of...
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My boyfriend is really inexperienced with life, and even death of a loved one it’s really frustrating?

Don’t get me wrong because he is a great person. He’s kind and sweet. Unfortunately, he lacks so much life experience that he doesn’t understands, and makes selfish decisions. Or, he feels bad for someone going through a...
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Do unhealthy people impact others or do you feel their lives are their own?

I forget where I heard or read this but someone was stating that people who live unhealthy lifestyles end up costing everyone in the long run because medical and insurance companies have to spend more money on them....
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I'm afraid to tell him how I really feel about him!!

My crush is really cute, funny, nice, and I love everything about him. We're not best friends, so I guess you could call us friends, we talk at school and flirt with each other but that's all. So idk. but anyway one...
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Anyone feeling really weird about life anymore?

These last couple years have been insane, like the world is flipped upside down. I think of like maybe 5 years ago and how I’d like to go back. It feels like an entirely different lifetime looking back and I just don’t...
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Guys, Should I tell him how I really feel?

Okay, guys, I know when you read the question above your immediate response is "of course you should, you never know until you try", but this situation is a little more complicated (at least to me). So, the guy I...
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I don't really feel anything besides boredom and emptiness?

Elaborating on that 'question' I don't know im in y11 and I'm really bored of school, my friends and generally day to day life. I can never really be bothered to meet up with my friends and I'm not motivated at all anymore
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Complicated feelings? How does he really feel?

(Just to start I am married but things are complicated and although we have tried to cut ties a few times we have kids and keep trying to make it work) Any way I met a man through work just over 2 years ago and we became...
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Does or did losing weight really improve your life?

For all those who lost a few clothing sizes worth of weight, did it really help you? Did you receive more attention from the opposite sex? Did you feel more confident? Were you able to keep it down?
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Is it good, bad or neutral that I really feel the need to give up on men and relationships?

Relationships have only been headaches, pain, anxiety, stress, resentment and all of that for me my whole life since I had my first one. I’m just so over it and I can’t deal with anymore.
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Do you personally feel like life truly does get better?

If someone tells you, "You're still young, you have a lot of things to still experience" would you really believe them?
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Do you ever feel like life plays tricks on you?

I had a horrible day at work today, it was so fucking busy. All I wanted to do was go home and continue playing my game. But my PC isn’t working all of the sudden 😭😭😭😭😭 It was working this morning but now it’s not....
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Does he dont really like me because he doesn't ask about my life?

Im dating a guy who is a really close friend of our family, so i know him since we are kids. Now we somehow started to date, but we live in different countries and he is really shy. We both are terrible in texting but...
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What's wrong with me? My peers are all doing internships and traveling, yet I dont really want to and I'm just frozen and lazy?

I'm a junior at a really great private college. I had a 4.0 in high school to get into it. I'm majoring in psych and I plan to go to grad school after. My gpa is 3.3, which is okay.. Not the best but okay considering I...
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I feel stalled in my life?

I don't know what to do. I think I have come to a point where I get stalled: apathetic, only doing my work without giving something else, letting my mind to fly and wanting and trying to live another life, not wanting to...
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What is it supposed to feel like when you find someone to love?

I guess what I'm asking is, is it supposed to be breathtaking and vibrant? Or is the occasional warm, fuzzy feeling enough? I met this guy and we have been chatting. he's nice and all. he's kind and caring, which is...
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Is my ex getting a bit too comfortable? Not sure what to do... or what she feels.

It's been 3 months since we broke up. The reason was that she felt I took her for granted and after a while she was wondering why she was still doing this because I was hurting her. I was going through some things at the...
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Any more girls out there that feel this way?

Yes we’re humans, we’re sexual creatures. I recognize that was a weird way to place it but it’s true. But girls! We all sense the feeling of being wanted when a guy feels us up and treats us like we’re the hottest things...
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Shoud I end it with my online boyfriend and stick to a guy in real life?

I have been talking with this guy I met on instagram for almost a year, and we have been texting nonstop everyday and videocalling. He alwaaaays text me the first thing in the morning and he seems so genuine, kind and...
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What's the worst excuse a new special someone gave you, to get out of your life?

Someone special told me "we have too much in common and we have a great connection, it's like, you are me, but from the opposite gender, and maybe that's why i can't be with you". For me, that just doesn't make any...
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