Should anyone give their seat for her or only if they want to, because that no priority seat?
What’s your opinion?
Should anyone give their seat for her or only if they want to, because that no priority seat?
If a person wants to give up their seat great. Should they? No I don’t think so. Especially when it comes to women expecting men to give up their seat or put their life on the line for women. She’s on that bus for a reason. Choices. The child isn’t mine. I didn’t get her pregnant. The “real” man should be the one taking care of her so that she doesn’t have to ride the train or bus. When I was younger w my son, riding the bus, I very rarely remember women giving up their seat for me to sit down. I’m not complaining, I was perfectly happy riding the bus for a while as long as I had custody of my son. Getting pregnant in most cases is by choice. As I’ve gotten older honestly I’ve done a lot less for women. These days it just for the women in my life. I’m not risking my life for a girl who might not even like me, as in a stranger. Meaning maybe she just hates me for being a man like a lot of women do these days. Besides why would I put my life on the line when no one else is going to take care of my wife or kids, especially some random girl I died saving. It’s 2024, we’re all either equal or we’re not. Make a choice, can’t have both.
To be nice I would… But you’re not entitled to a seat. It’s first come first serve. They aren’t your husbands, brothers, etc. If you want the privilege of sitting there’s cabs, rideshares, and driving. I know it sounds harsh but tough it up buttercup. Standing maybe isn’t the most comfortable thing especially if pregnant or holding a baby. Like I get it.
But you also have to imagine. A lot of men are getting off of work after working a long shift. Their feet hurt they’re exhausted. You don’t know these men so they don’t owe you anything.
I was gonna be a troll and say “I let them sit on my lap” but hey
My opinion is things like common courtesy and common decency are deteriorating rapidly. It’s all about me and mine.
Fuck you, and fuck everybody else.
Funny enough, the people who hold the fuck you view will be the first to cry victim when nobody is around when they need help.
You get what you give, so keep your ass in your seat.
Nah. kids and the choice to have them doesn't entitle you to anything.
Agree, your kids your responsibility. Just fuck someone with car if you really don’t want to standing up on the public transportation.
It really does not matter who it is standing, if they can benefit from a seat more than me, then I will offer them the seat, it’s basic human manners and decency. All it takes to be a decent guy is to the decent thing, it could be an older guy, someone with a dodgy leg, etc. it does not just need to be a girl with a child etc.
I 100% would’ve given up my seat for the mother who is pregnant also the one who is carrying her baby.
Though It Is Worth Mentioning The Images Are AI Generated Look At The Middle Finger On The Right Picture. It is AI!
I would give the woman the seat if I were in the position, just saying these hypotheticals were created by AI no doubt. Any man who doesn’t get up for a pregnant woman / woman holding baby is no man. Period.
I was raised to give up my seat and am sympathetic.
Unfortunately women have made it so difficult and inconsistent that it's often not worth finding out if they would be appreciative or bitchy.
Another win for common decency and society as a whole.
I wouldn't want to.
Wasn't my bad choice nor on me to suffer due to bringing a baby into the world if you can't even afford a car.
Unlike a disabled person who I would happily get up for because they didn't decide to be disabled.
@goaded No one in England thinks that. Maybe you should learn to not talk about other countries if all your gonna do say is say false things.
Everyone here knows London is a bad place to live and there is much nicer places in England to live in.
But I am sure you think Manchester is nice too and I applaud you to move there if you think so.
@goaded Then how do you not know it's a bad place to live in?
London crime rate, housing costs, travel are all bad.
The place I live in does in fact have worser crime rate but I ain't proclaiming my city is great to live in either. Does have better travel and housing costs though.
London is like a Mini Chicago or New York it's not somewhere I would ever want to live in, it's nice for a trip maybe but even then meh.
Because I have lived there, and my daughter is currently living there and loving it. No crimes have been committed against either of us there, and there are a plethora of restaurants with food from all around the world, theatres, cinemas, sights, experiences, world-class museums, parks, a couple of thousand years of history, etc.
There's practically no reason to own a car in London; it's cheaper and easier to rent one of an appropriate size for whatever you need, when you need one.
@goaded So you take the idea of it 'oh it hasn't happened to me so it won't ever happen' when statistically been in a place with more crime rate increases the chance it happens to you.
Your views are bias from such perspective, which I get because I like my city and wouldn't really want to move nor feel in danger in anyway. But I for sure wouldn't tell people, it's a great place to live.
Because factually it's not.
And yeah you don't own cars in London because it has high traffic and bad road design and other forms of transport more reliable but they are only like that due to such problems.
And hey I agree, I don't feel the need to drive here too it's pretty much pointless to me.
But as someone who's pregnant or has a child a car makes everything easier everyone knows that and better yet having your partner drive you around is way better.
There is no way you can realistically say getting on the Metro is easier, which means London by default is harder to live in when you would be better off in another place which can be easily driven around.
"[T]he Metro"? Tyne and Wear or Moscow? C:
London has a lower crime rate than your city, buses and trains every ten minutes or so minutes from the door, a plethora of restaurants with food from all around the world, theatres, cinemas, sights, experiences, world-class museums, parks, a couple of thousand years of history, etc. What's not to like?
If you don't like city living, that's another question.
@goaded That logic does not follow. Any high crime rate is bad. Just because it's better than my city don't mean it's good.
It would be better to live somewhere that ain't my city or London, then start a family there.
Many people start families in bad poor area's and places they shouldn't then people are shocked when those kids are running around with knifes. It's overall a good thing to not do this.
@goaded That do be true but that don't mean one needs to start a family there. Get a job make your way through life, try find a job somewhere better then move there create a good foundation and success.
It's not easy by any means but if you want a good life for your family I find this the optimal way to do it.
And why I'll just never have one and why many chose not to, because I know my kid growing up on these streets ain't the best. I would rather be somewhere else with good money before I would want to raise a child if I ever was going to.
And I for sure would be able to afford a car so I could pick up my kid after school easily, can go to other area's on trips without much hassle and take them to theme parks etc etc.
A lot of people just have kids without thinking about it and that annoys me. And I do find it funny when my friends are complaining about money issues yet they decided to have kids before they were even 20.
Then they get jealous that I can afford things they can't even though I am poor too and I just go 'Shouldn't of had a kid then' lol. And them kids aren't going to have the best lives growing up like that but it is what it is.
Wait, so you don't intend to have a family, but will judge those willing to? In London with the kids, we could walk to and in a park, take a bus to the zoo, buy fresh groceries daily.
Oh, and I could buy almost any car I wanted to, but I'll stick with the one I've got until it gives up the ghost. We only need one because we live miles from the nearest village.
All that said, I have a friend who chose the childless route, and he's had a really good life.
@goaded Of course. You don't have to do something to judge others for it. What logic would that be?
Well that sounds grand but just cause your experience was good don't mean that applies to a whole.
But none of this really applies anyway as I don't live there so that's not my situation. If someone in my city is bringing up a child and they can't afford a car, I am disappointed by there bad decision making.
The point is that choosing not to buy a car is not "bad decision making", if you don't need one. Public transport in cities where it's good (like London; oldest and second in the world, according to this: ) is all you need. (There's an Avis not a mile away, if I need something for a couple of days.)
Where I live in Germany, in the country and with one bus an hour and half a mile away, cars are more useful; at least when you need to transport more people or large amounts of shopping. There are multiple Porsches and Mercedes down the road, for those who like that sort of thing.
I don't like to judge, perhaps one of those guys offered the seat and they both preferred to stand... I have no clue.
If it were me, I would ask them anyway and if either did not want to sit, then I would be okay with it.
I agree with the words, I'm indifferent about the picture. I only feel bad for old people in that situation honestly.
No reason to give her the seat. She can already benefit from tax breaks and other free stuff just for having a kid. It was her choice, so it isn't my responsibility to help her for her own decisions.
But society only reserved seats for handicap not for pregnant.
Also i noticed when seats are available women including pregnant stand so same when no seat available.
When I'm on the train, and it's full I usually look out for pregnant or those with a lot to carry to swap seat with. It's no big deal especially if only has to stand for just several stops anyway.
I'd give my seat out of basic decency... and without second thoughts about it
Injured, handicapped, very old and frail. yes in a heartbeat.
But pregnant or carrying a baby now that's her choice and her problem not mine.
On the rare occasion that I use public transportation I always give up my seat to pregnent or elderly women.
Get your ass up and offer her the seat!! Even if she's healthy and single gestures of kindness, feminism confusion aside, are meaningful in an increasingly hostile and cold public sphere.
In terms of post modern equality is this okay in terms of chivalry it's a disaster
I don't expect the world to revolve around me and have found myself far less disappointed.
Obviously it would be only if you wanted to, but it would be the right thing to do
Shit... I certainly would thats horrendous , its common courtesy.
We are talking about politness when it comes to men towards women, yes a pregnant woman must get a seat but here's the question in reverse, what does a woman do to show politness towards men?
You have to be a p. o. s of a man or woman in this case to see a pregnant woman standing or holding a toddler and not offer her your seat.
Your kid is your responsibility, u can’t force people to give their seat if they don’t want to. It’s nice for u if u give them your seat, but saying people who don’t give the seat to them blaa blaa blaa is cringe. Next time just fuck someone with car, if you really don’t want standing on the public transportation.
@itsannalee i would still give my seat for kindness.
seat is not made of gold or worth nothing to me. Helping someone is good in our family and I teach this to my kids too
I would give up my seat for her. if I was already standing, I would make one of the guys get up and give her their seat.
Yes give her your seat unless you have a health condition which requires you to mostly sit so you don’t collapse on the floor
Yes, especially the women carrying the child
I do think it is courteous to give a pregnant woman the seat.
The meme reminds me of the joke "no, have sex with someone who has a car. "
I would offer my seat to either woman.
Courteous thing to do
I'd offer her my seat.
it would be polite