they were talking a lot at Carter’s funeral
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they were talking a lot at Carter’s funeral
Ahaha! No.
Trump is a con-man. People dont "get along" with him in a personal capacity in the first place. Pretty sure Trump does not have a single long-term friend who is not part of his schemes to make money. On the other hand Obama is actually fairly smart and he is also somewhat of a control freak. They do not play well together. They might keep up public appearances but that is about it.
No, they don't. Being civil in public - especially when you are a public figure like a politician - is important.
No. When you're at these types of events, it's not about you (Impossible for Trump, I know) so you don't do anything to draw attention to yourself or away from the person you're all there to pay respect to so you all play nice and get along as best you can while there.
probably asking him about that "trump will never be presdient" remark.
I doubt it. I think that they were making fun of Joe Biden.
As well as donOLD n Melania...
What was Obama supposed to do? Vomit all over the orange assclown?
probably. like they have no reason to be enmies outside the media and the political arena.
Guess we need to wait and see! Instead of speculating.
That was to keep up appearances;I'm sure Trump regards Obama with the opprobrium he has for all POC.
Probably so. They wouldn't be talking a lot if they didn't.
Did Trump reveal to Obama that he finally dug up his Kenyan birth certificate?
@DryGermanGuy: Playing politics.
Most politicians within the same country are friends.
Its only the brainwashed dummies that think blue team vs red team hate each other at a person level.
They often do hate each other. Nixon hated the Kennedys in an almost Shakespearian way. Many tea party extremists hate Obama. John McCain hated Trump.
That at the end of the day red and blue have to work together is inherent to the two-party system, not a sign of friendship.
no. it's bad optics but Obama has class and it was a funeral.
Weird Obama would speak with literal hitler.
I’m afraid to say.