Can the military be brought back at any time like it was in ww1 and 2?

this is a real and serious question

Why does no one want to start ww3?

Do BLACK people need to stop whining about SLAVERY?

In the USA black people whine about slavery and racism, the word slave comes from Slav and they monopolize suffering more than Jews 😭...
8 7

How young should the voting age be in your opinion?

Here in the U. S. its age 18. do you feel this is a good age to allow people to vote? Personally I feel you should be allowed to vote...
18 70

When will Red States realize they will never get fair elections and succeed from the union forming their own confederacy of States?

You can see "Cheating " will now be the norm in US elections. Delayed voting, extended deadlines , broken machines, unfair rules like...
0 5

Why have Democrats always won in the states that are delayed and shut down voting count?

Funny , that 100% of the time so far in states that have a "slow" count or delays or shut down over night that Democrats always win. You...
3 5

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