

Why would Stormy Daniels lie about being raped by Donald Trump?

Bill Maher PROVES Stormy Daniels LIED in unearthed video, even HE sees Trump case is fake - Bill Maher dredges up 2018 Stormy Daniels interview that totally undermines her...
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What do you think of this argument on liberty? It's a 40 second or so video.
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Can a woman truly be labeled as a pedophile?

Even if some women are attracted to little boys I don't think they can be labeled as pedophiles, mainly because women are very trusting around children and can do no harm to them, and even if they get caught doing things...
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Women is it wrong to call out gang rape statistics to influence policy?

Young German politician exposed German statistics calling out the alarming number of gang rapes by Afghan immigrants, over 1/2 attributed to them. She was convicted of exposing this data..."of inciting hatred towards the...
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Would you consider becoming a tradwife with no job nor money of your own,100% depending on your husband for all your needs and wants, why, why not?

This woman found out the curse of 100% depending on someone else and was abused as expected becoming the BS tradwife and found out the hard way.
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Which music video has an impressive choreography?
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Is this another reason why cancel culture sucks? I am watching carefully and I will know who actually watched the video or who bothered to inform themselves or not. If you say this is blackface I am going to post a funny meme...
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Would you rather protect feminism or low gas prices?
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Americans, do you like the winner of eurovision?

Everyone in Europe has just sat through 4 hours of music and voting, it takes a lot of beer and determination but we endured and now it's over. Nemo has won Eurovision for Switzerland. So America what do you think of...
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Just For Fun - Do you know any fictional languages?

Apparently there are people who can fluently speak fictional languages like Klingon, Elvish, and others. Are you among them? Or do you know someone?
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What should happen to the NY Senator who passed "Trump Assault Law" acknowledges it was unconstitutional now that he too was so charged?

The State of New York passed a "sexual assault law" to allow women for a limited time (because they know how out of control this will get) of a year (conveniently right before 2024 election) to sexual assault claims...
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What are your favorite Ray Charles songs?

I love Georgia on my mind, you don’t know me, and moon over miami
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Will the U. S. economy recover from sending the dollar to war?

Will the U. S. economy recover from sending the dollar to war? Once theses countries acquire enough alternative assets to really abandon the dollar the U. S. standard of living could decline between 25-50%...
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Do I need help? Am I ripe for a mental asylum already?
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22 d

Would you continue date someone when you learn they live in a real bad part of your city?

So lets say you like this person and want to continue dating them, however they happen to live in a real terrible part of the city. could you overlook that and still keep dating them? By bad it could be any or all of the...
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TGIF... Will you join me?

It's Friday... Let's agree to stop biting our nails over whatever bs some guy/gal -- or would-be guy/gal -- is doing... Stop being so thirsty and anxious over what's basically just nonsense anyway... Get off your...
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Could a Sanford and Son reboot be good in 2024? Should Sanford and Son get a reboot?

Starring Demond Wilson as Lamont Sanford, Chris Brown as his grandson who takes over the shop. What y'all think? If not, tell me why it wouldn’t work in today’s world.
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Who's your favourite Beatles vocalist?

A followup to the question about favourite Beatles song, who's your favourite member? Thinking about their work after the group broke up I found George Harrison is one of my favourite singers. I loved his work with...
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So, are migrant Venezuelans trying to start gangs in the US?

New Details Emerge in Horrific Murder of Laken Riley Homicide detectives in Athens, Georgia, have made progress in the case of Laken Riley, the 22-year-old nursing student who was tragically murdered while out for a...
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