Does my hairdresser fancy me?

Second time I had this hairdresser, first time we got on well but I had a girlfriend and I now know she had a boyfriend.

Anyways we got talking and she says she split up with her boyfriend. She tells me how he cheated on her and all that stuff. She then asks if I have a girlfriend, I said no. She then asks how old I am, I said 25, she asked my birthday I told her and she says "so you 26 this year". She then asks why I have not got a girlfriend, and before I answer she asks is it because I am too busy. She then asks if I have ever cheated.

We got on really well and feel a good connection with her. I kind of down played myself, saying I was shy and acting distant. She laughed at my jokes and said shy people are not necessarily boring. She was also the one initiating the conversation. At the end of the haircut, she told me it was nice to see me again and that I should get my hair cut more often.

She is very pretty, aged 21. Told me she has an eating disorder due to depression from spliting up with her boyfriend of 6years. But other than that seems really nice. I am guessing she only been out with this one guy and could be on the rebound. Says she wants to find a nice guy if there are any about.

So what do you think, is it just hairdresser chat or does she seem interested?

I am quite good looking, 6foot2, muscular with thick fair hair.


Does my hairdresser fancy me?
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