Am I wrong or is the next contest flawed.....?

The competition states that the easiest way to lose weight wins

If this is correct and they don't change the terms of the contest or cancel it

Cosmetic surgery, lipo suction is the easiest way to lose weight I would think... as their is nothing that requires less effort than someone removing it for you, its not the most cost effective but that isn't included in the terms of the competition...starving yourself would work but requires effort to resist hunger desire...

So first person who reads and posts this wins lol

Easiest Way You Lose Weight

Now that spring is here and summer is just around the corner it is time, yet again, to shed the extra weight we gained over the cold winter.

What is the easiest way to lose weight? Is it one of diets like the South Beach diet, or the Atkins diet, or something else?

What is your secret, is it a strict diet you are following, or exercising regularly, or eating less? Share your secret of easily losing weight and get a chance to win a prize. The easiest way to lose weight wins.

Contest ends on April 18th and we'll announce the winner the next day!
Yes its flawed won't stand up in court
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Am I wrong or is the next contest flawed.....?
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