Was my break up text harsh. He completely ignores that part of it?

I wouldn't say it was harsh but it could of been done better. Ofc this depends on if you were in a actual relationship or just sort of dating.
I tend to say, "I need to talk to you" or "I need to tell you something" to get their attention first... then I probably over explain things and why it isn't working... while also complimenting and hoping to stay friends.
In fact here is my most recent one, (abridged, and taking out personal information.) For a romantic relationship that I ended.
I do have something to tell you, talk to you about... but first I want to say this to you.
I'm sorry this is long, read it when you have time.
Your most attractive features are your heart, soul, and personality. You are a wonderful person. You have a beautiful soul, and all of that means more to me than how you actually look, granted I liked that too ❤️.
I went into this with no idea of what to expect or how things would go between us.
What we have now, is nothing like I expected and it just isn't working for me. I've tried, I really have to make it work. It just isn't enough, I'm sorry.
I know you can't give me what I need, which is why I'm not asking. We are beyond that and that's okay. I get it and understand where you are coming from. We gave it a good run and have both tried.
I was 100% committed to giving you my all, but sometimes that just isn't enough.
I just can't do this anymore.
I want you to be happy in life and find what it is you are looking for.
I know you will succeed in whatever you put your mind to, you will finish college, get your degree and do great at whatever job you end up getting.
I really do hope you can find the right person for you and to be happy. You deserve it so much. You've been through too much.
That said, I would like to stay in contact, maybe hanging out every now and then as friends, nothing more. If you feel up to that, no pressure though if you don't want to.
I do care about you, even though things didn't work out. It doesn't mean I suddenly stopped loving you and don't care anymore.
I'm always hear for you, if you want to talk or chat, as friends.
I understand if you want to block me and have nothing to do with me though, your choice.
No matter what you decide, thank you so much for the good times.
It doesn’t sound like y’all were in a actual relationship and I think how you did it was a bit immature.
if he didn’t do anything bad you could have told him to his face. I don’t think he deserved that and I’m sure you wouldn’t like if someone did that to you.
I cannot think of a more pathetic display of behavior as this. If the person really means anything to you , you have to do this in person. I was in a Long Distance Relationship and she lived 1500 miles away. I knew I had to break up with her and I really wanted to do it in person but I could not afford the airfare. Finally I did it over the phone and it was bad and I still feel like I was a jerk.
I don’t think he missed it, I think he’s just Compartmentalized you since you were so lazy and uncaring about the relationship that you broke up with a text, that he’s putting minimal effort in to get his stuff back and then never contact you again.
Thanks for MHO
Nothing harsh about it. It may suck, but it was cordial. Plus, he knows and is acknowledging it, which is why he offered to just come get the hoodie rather than wait for you to give it back.
How else should he respond u are breaking up over text thats pretty shit so he just agreed and said he would pick it up what did u expect him to say
Like maybe I understand / I feel the same / I respect that like just to completely ignore it I didn’t get. I did it over text just to get it out the way
Lol if it was as simple as getting it out the way then I can't really say much I know if aomeone broke up with me over text I would pretty much respond the same its text ahe has made her choice if ahe wanted my opinion ahe would have called or done it in person all there was to do was agree
Well… he came to get the hoodie and was super emotional, kept pressing me for answers and wanted to know why even tried to ask me if I just used him I felt pretty bad I’ve never seen him that flustered before but it’s over now
No I hoped he agreed and would just take it on the chin grab the garment and go instead of making it uncomfortable for both of us
there's nothing really to be said if its a break up. At a certain point if you aren't gonna be civil about it there's not really anymore to talk about.
No it wasn't too harsh, seems to me that he wasn't really invested heavily in the relationship anyway. He just worried about getting his hoodie back
I think he was hiding it!! I given him the hoodie back and he seemed really emotional and demanded answers he even tried to tell me I was using him I haven’t seen him as upset as that before it was pretty awkward
He will be fine. Obviously you're you're over him. He will survive and it won't be long before he's dating someone else
Well you’ve never broken up with him before either, have you?
Your lucky he responded. Probably only replied to get his Hoodie.
I would of left you on read.
Nah he came to get the hoodie and was real upset, accused me of using him and wanted closure and sent me a big long text yikes
Yh you really shouldn't of dumped him by text. It ended up being face to face in the end anyway so...
Sounds like he felt the same way. So you had no chemistry, but had an 'amazing' time with him...🙄 Makes sense
He told me in person he wanted to see me again soon and I tried to say let’s just be friends he said he’s too attracted to me to be my friend. I hope he did feel the same way cause I would feel bad if I hurt someone. We didn’t have a label so doing it via text felt fine
no, but it was awkward as fuck. how long were you seeing each other? seems like not a long time, so i don't think anyone would be that heartbroken over it.
He was hiding it; when he came to get his hoodie he was super upset and accused me of just using him….
It is not harsh and, I think his reaction is OK you both seem polite unless I missed something.
It wasn't harsh. And what else would you expect? He's just handling an easy breakup like a normal adult.
Breaking up via text is the coldest way to end things with anyone … but particularly when they are local enough to do it face to face. Guess this is just the modern way to end things. Icy move.
How do u expect someone to react. U alrdy told he doesn't mean world to u. He s just trying to act mature nd nope u werent being jerk if u were seeking validation.
Harsh it is not & honest it is & thank you for the laughs.
You did it right. It just went right over his head.
I don't know about that given him the hoodie back and he was super flustered demanding and explanation and answers
Sorry that happened. He just wanted to air things out in person it seems.
He's seeing if he's got a chance to at least fuck you while picking it up, so he's not burning any bridges yet.
Maybe not I don’t think all guys think the same I don’t really want to face him in fact I was planning on sending it to him in the post
You hate it? Really? It's called being an adult. Wow, your self awareness could use some improvement
@spartan55 he dated me off and on since August last year and we never established a label he was simply wasting my time if it had been an actual established relationship I would’ve did it face to face, in daytime and taken his stuff with me on arrival
It seems like he doesn’t even care. You must have been a really bad date.
I’m glad he doesn’t care I just hope he takes the hoodie and leaves asap cause I don’t really want to deal with this. I wasn’t a bad date I think he’s just doesn’t want to question it when I’ve made my mind up. I told him irl I’d rather be friends but he said he’s too attracted to me. We dated off and on since August 2021 never even slept together it was a huge waste of time
seems like it. sounds like an awkward relationship.
I think he knows himself it wasn’t gonna be anything, maybe he liked my company so kept dating me but knew I wasn’t the one hence the accepting reaction
couldn't tell you buddy.
Lol you women are hilarious expecting the worse, move on woman.
I just hate that I have to face him in person to give him the hoodie
Breaking up via Text message is okey, just the person have to meet you, to see if really its you, who Text him.
Sounds like you're bullshitting. Who breaks up over text and then invites to meet in person?
It didn't seem harsh.
Was it too long? I don’t understand why he didn’t say anything to it. Like I agree or yeah we aren’t compatible like he said absolutely nothing.
Don't break up via text. It's shitty.
Sounds like he don't care
Isn’t that good if he doesn’t care cause then I haven’t hurt anybody?
I feel like he just wants to sound like he doesn’t care cause he didn’t even say he agrees that we aren’t that compatible or nothing? So weird. At least it’s over
He's done with your ass as well.
What makes you think that
He didn't resist at all.
Well I told him in person maybe we should just be friends and he said he’s too attracted to me to be my friend so I think he does like me he just doesn’t wanna resist when I’ve made my mind up!
@anonbrunette99. No, he just wants to fuck. Being friends with a girl you used to fuck but can't fuck now, while she looks for a new guy to fuck, is intolerable.
He was super upset when he came to get the hoodie he wouldn’t let me leave without giving him answers and an explanation I guess he was hiding what he felt on text
😂 You mean you had to deal with him IRL instead of by text? Lord have mercy.
@anonbrunette99. So what is your explanation? Did he do something "ick", like get hurt or not pick a fight in a bar?
not harsh at all
wow he's dense
No it was not harsh