So my boyfriend has this female friend which I don’t like at all, (we are all co workers) he is in a friendgroup with her and her bestfriend en his 2 bestfriends. Recently when I was on our 1 year anniversary date with him he got a snap of her and we looked at it together. She send him a video of her laying down only wearing a bikini (she also send this to his other 2 bestfriends). We both got very startled and had a w t f moment. He told me he didn’t like it at all and was gonna do something about it. (Keep in mind that I don’t like this girl at all and he (everyone) knows and I have my reasons for it). I really want him to break their friendship but today he called me and said that when he sees her (which may be 1,5 weeks after the pic) he will tell her to not send anything like that again or they will stop being friends. Now this girl has been the reason for so many of our relationship problems and everytime she proves again that I have reason to dislike her and for them to stop being friends. To me this picture was the last drop and I feel very uneasy that he only wants to give her a warning and not cut ties right away. by the way he is 24 en the girl just turned 20 another big reason why i disapprove of their friendship. What do you guys this I should do. Everything is great in our relationship and the only reason why we sometimes argue is because of this girl. And you might think he would secretly want her but believe me he doesn’t.
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