Hi I’m back after being dumped
Lol oops sorry I open my phone this morning
And all I seen was. Hello everyone how are you. And your avatar and your answer thought it was your question. Lol. . But I still hope you're smiling LOL02 Reply- 2 mo
But anytime this happens first thing is to do is acknowledge it accept it with the understanding that everything happens for a reason and in this moment you might think not but soon there will be a positive come from it they're always is no matter who you are or what we're doing we keep going forward I hope you two can smile today and you smile
Most Helpful Opinions
1.8K opinions shared on Break Up & Divorce topic. Sometimes, being "dumped" is just life making space for something better ahead... who knows 🤷
Welcome back 🌹21 Reply
- 2 mo
Hi. I'm so sorry you were dumped. I know the feeling. It sucks so much. I hope you are okay. I'm hanging in there.
40 Reply
Welcome back, please help yourself to the mini bar.
11 Reply- 1 mo
Thanks I’ll have a kopperberg
What Girls & Guys Said
- 2 mo
Welcome back. Being dumped is not fun, but sometimes it's a good thing, allows you to find new opportunities and challenges.
10 Reply I have been sad, I have really missed you. :(
11 Reply- 2 mo
Awww I’m here now sorry! 😔
Sorry to hear that.
It sucks I bet. Are you doing ok? I hope so.
I'm sort of in the same boat though 20 years together is kinda empty round the house. Maybe she'll come back but who knows.12 Reply- 1 mo
I’m doing ok
- 2 mo
Sorry you were dumped :( Welcome back, it's good to see you!!
20 Reply - 2 mo
Good, but nowhere nearly as good as Dave Parker and the late Dick Allen who were inducted into the Major League Baseball Hall Of Fame yesterday !!!
01 Reply- 1 mo
Still never been in a relationship but have been through a few break ups this year lol. Dating is a mess, next year I'm going to just prioritise my own peace
16 Reply- 1 mo
Dating is deffo a mess! Things never work out
- 1 mo
I hope I get randomly lucky and someone wants to stay with me forever but we will see
- 1 mo
Thanks and you have too! 🙂
Bad girl for getting dumped... why did they dump u?
01 Reply- 2 mo
I don't know I still haven’t talked to him he’s blocked my number so I can’t get through
- 2 mo
Sorry to hear that. I got dumped back in April 2024
112 Reply- 2 mo
Oh no
- 2 mo
she was cheating on me
- 2 mo
Omg that’s awful
- 2 mo
She also got pregnant, too, and had her kid a month ago
- 2 mo
She also got engaged, too, after 6 days from dumping me
- 1 mo
Wtf that’s messed up!
- 1 mo
Both of my ex-girlfriends are engaged
- 1 mo
I bet that’s hard for you
- 1 mo
It happens. When my 2nd ex-girlfriend started cheating on me. A friend of mine ( now no longer ) knew my 2nd ex-girlfriend was cheating on me. She didn't have the balls to tell me. It was happening for months!! If not, longer
- 1 mo
Omg that’s so so bad I’m so sorry
- 1 mo
Yeah, it sucks. I stopped dating all together. Dating is too brutal now
- 1 mo
Yeah it is
- 2 mo
I’m sorry you gone through that. Been there. You’ll find someone better.
21 Reply- 1 mo
Thank you
- 2 mo
Sorry to hear Lauren, I'm good thanks yourself? I'm back here temp myself lol 😆
00 Reply Welcome back!.
With experience!.. 👏👏👏👏👏You tried!
00 Reply- 2 mo
Sorry for the Breakdown in your relationship. Hope you are doing ok. I understand how difficult it is.
00 Reply - 2 mo
It didn't work out with the younger disabled guy? What happened?
00 Reply How do beautiful people like you get dumped?
What happened 🤔00 ReplyDoing good. Sick at home with a stomach ache. And sorry.
17 Reply- 2 mo
That's too bad...
How's your health now cutie? - 2 mo
@moneymagnet24 I’m broken
- 2 mo
Damn really come give you hard fuck n fill your broken space. .😘😘 - 2 mo
@moneymagnet24 I’m heartbroken
- 2 mo
Oh sorry I thought you're kidding
- 2 mo
@moneymagnet24 no I’m not
- 1 mo
- 2 mo
Hey I'm so sorry you had to go through that
22 Reply- 2 mo
It’s ok
- 2 mo
- 2 mo
Hope you been doing better! Missed you too!
21 Reply- 2 mo
I’m doing ok I missed you too
Oh, now you come crawling back to us!
11 Reply- 1 mo
I took a break here
I’m good, thanks
22 ReplyHello welcome back. I'm doing fine.
10 ReplyOmg sorry about being dumped!
10 Reply- 2 mo
I'm doing good thank you :)
20 Reply - 2 mo
„Whaz uuuuuuuuup?“
😬😂00 Reply - Anonymous(25-29)2 mo
So sad, too bad. Best of luck to you.
11 Reply- 2 mo
Who’s this?
- 2 mo
Welcome back...
10 Reply - 2 mo
I am good ,, welcome back
00 Reply Glad you are back.
10 Reply- 2 mo
Chin up girl onwards and upwards
10 Reply - 2 mo
Im good, sorry to hear you got dumped
10 Reply 471 opinions shared on Break Up & Divorce topic. sorry to here that, welcome back
10 Reply- 2 mo
Welcome back
00 Reply Content
10 ReplyHello there.
00 Reply- 2 mo
good and u
00 Reply
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