Am I doing dating wrong?

Hello, 24 year old Male here in the United States. Something I don’t really understand about dating that I had a question about. My question is this: Is it normal to date multiple people at the same time? People my age call it “talking to”. As in, a woman talking to 4–5 guys at once before she decides who to be exclusive with them. She’s dating,(or talking to) and possibly sleeping with these guys. Is it strange that I find that odd and quite honestly repulsive? I can’t do that myself. I can only date one person at a time. I like to get to know one person at a time. Not 4–5 people at once and then slowly cut off the losers who I wouldn’t want to be with until I pick the “winner” that I’d like to be exclusive with. That seems like a job interview. That makes me feel less like a top choice/priority and more like an option/back-up plan. Also, I won’t date someone that sees multiple people at once and a girl that I WAS seeing recently told me “all women are like that”. Like I don’t want to be on a date with a girl and get the thought of “yeah, she just went on a date with a guy before me, or she had sex with some guy before coming out on this date with me.” Is this really the normal way of dating? Do I need to change my mindset and be like everybody else and see multiple people at once? I really only want to date one person at a time. It’s seems impossible to find others especially women who have that same mindset.
Am I doing dating wrong?
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