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+1 y

My wife won't let me vape, what do I do?

You are disrespectful. And may lead to the end of your relationship if you don't change. sorry but that is the truth. Marriage & Weddings

+1 y

My butt is flat and I feel insecure about my body?

Why bother about what you cannot change. You guy says he loves it. so? Dating

+1 y

Why do I attract weird, creepy guys?

Mix with the beautiful ones, then Guy's Behavior

+1 y

Guys, Would you ever date a woman who is nearly 10 years older than you?

Give it a try, if it does not work out, it is not the end of life, keep searching. Dating

+1 y

Looking like crap after a workout?

That is natural. You lost energy and fluid and you need to replace those. Health & Fitness

+1 y

Why dont girls like muscles?

It depends on the girl, Girl's Behavior

+1 y

Makeup or no makeup?

both are okay, it is nice seeing people differently. Guy's Behavior

+1 y

Me and my boyfriend haven't kissed yet? Is this bad?

Have you asked if he likes kissing, you are only interested in the part that concerns you. Relationships

+1 y

I accidentally stole from walmart?

Yes go back, and report the error. And pay Other

+1 y

My boyfriend beat me up this morning?

That is abuse and not love. Relationships

+1 y

How terrible was my cheat day (s)?

Bodies are different, check your ability and do what you can. Do not live other people's life. Health & Fitness

+1 y

How often do you WORKOUT?

I do some form of workout everyday. Walking, go up and down the stairs. Just to keep the body fit. Health & Fitness

+1 y

He told me I was a bad kisser?

Kiss has nothing to do with love, Other

+1 y

What should I do? My job isn't paying me?

Keep this job while you keep looking for another job. Education & Career

+1 y

I am extremely jealous of my boyfriends 17 year old daughter? HELP?

You over reacted, there are ways you could achieve results with a positive attitude. Had you laughed at first and said to Him politely “sweetheart so you won’t help me with my Car also, my Car... Dating

+1 y

My parents won't let me cuddle with my girlfriend?

Since you are still in your parent's house, you have to respect and keep the rules. Dating

+1 y

Help!!! I look fat again :( have I put on more weight?

If you look fat, that is an indication you have added weight. Check the scales. Health & Fitness

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