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- +1 y
Before you date some guy a lot younger, please consider a few things.
When guys get to around 28, 30--if they have actually worked on themselves--career wise, personality, physically--they have the widest range of possible dates ever. Tons of 21 year old girls will date 28, 30 year old guys.
So if you date some guy ten years younger, and things last four years--when he's 28 and you're 38, you're in a worse position and he's hitting his stride.
If you want something stable that could lead to family, date in your own age bracket. You're not in a great dating bracket for women, at 33. It's okay, but not the best, at all. At 38? You'll find pickings much worse.11 Reply- +1 y
This is so true women are in their prime 17-26 where as for men it starts around 29. When I compare my dating life when I was 18 to when I was 30 the number of interested women was amazing. Im now married but still I get so much female attention thats absolutely unreal compared to when I was single. If I was single again I could pick up hot 20 year olds in a heart beat.
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2.2K opinions shared on Dating topic. coincidentally... my ex is currently your age... dated her when i was 24. so she was what...30-31 at the time... i'd dated older when i was younger too.
its just the uncertainty that kills it. i mean, either one person worries that they are too old or the other worries that they are to young and both start thinking about dating closer to their age. thats the reason my ex broke with me. she was uncertain that i was actually taking it seriously and there was no future... i would have argued... it the sex was not so horrendous. i took the win.13 Reply- +1 y
seriously? i got MH? thanks...
True story too... real coincidence... she is 33 as of now and still will not take ANY kind of dating advice from me... she keeps saying guys just want sex and leave after and i keep telling her that if they want sex, they'd keep coming Back.
Just don't doubt... and have some kind of talk/plan... or its all going to fall apart. you might want to make a contingency plan too... - +1 y
Thanks for your help, you are talking in such a mature way- your ex should take your advice!
- +1 y
she won't... she thinks age brings wisdom (i don't like the word "mature"... non existent) but the thing is Experience is where its at... and I have experience in more things than i would like to mention publicly. She still asks me how i can run through or keep any girl... while im giving her the tip to HOW she can do the same lol... she doesn't listen...
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Oh yeah. Going out with a woman that's 10 years older than me sounds really fun & sexy. I've never done this before but I would be willing to go for it soon enough. I've always had a thing for hot older women in their 30s.
22 Reply- +1 y
Ok thanks for your opinion :)
Unmm nope..
I would ever mostly date someone if I am attracted towards her and like her and want something long term from her...
So I don't think dating someone 10 years older would be good.. Maybe she doesn't want commitment or is only interested in sex... Maybe she wasn't children someday? Lol
So that all matters and it depths12 Reply- +1 y
Alfi most of these young guys ask you or because they are mostly interested in sex... Yes we find women in there 30s hot..! So be aware
This guy is he likes you and you like him and if you two are compatible then it shouldn't matter... The age gap is not a big deal...
Just make sure you both want the same thing
- +1 y
If she has a compatible personality, then yes, of course I would. Age doesn't matter that much, neither does looks. In the hunt for a life partner, it's a girl's character that matters most.
30 Reply 870 opinions shared on Dating topic. No I would consider like 1 year older maybe 2 but 10 is a lot, maybe a short term thing if she's really attractive ;).
10 Reply- +1 y
It really depends on how well I know her. I definitely don't seek out women who are older than me, and if I had the power to choose a woman I would exclude women above a certain age. But if I was dating a woman and then found out she was 33, I would continue dating her. I probly wouldn't wanna marry her tho
00 Reply - +1 y
No. While I'm still in my 20's, I would not. Perhaps later in life when I stop giving a shit.
10 Reply 364 opinions shared on Dating topic. Give it a try, if it does not work out, it is not the end of life, keep searching.
10 Reply- Anonymous(36-45)+1 y
Yes, I have considered and I still will. Granted, those women don't tend to want to as I've had bad luck with those women.
12 Reply- Opinion Owner+1 y
I'm not sure. I suppose I'd be willing to give another woman a try. But a man can only take so much rejection before he moves on.
- +1 y
Maybe you had a bad experience, but not all women are the same. Keep trying
Everyone views age gaps differently. If you and him are ok with it that's all that matters.
10 ReplyI don't know if we'd be able to relate on anything. I couldn't imagine being romantic with someone i couldn't understand
10 Reply- +1 y
I slept with a 26 yo when I was 15. I dated older women ever since. Boys always fancy older women growing up. Hardly ever the girls their own age. It's always teachers or something we talk about as teens. So plenty of guys are into older women
00 Reply - Anonymous(25-29)+1 y
I Would far so to date somebody double my age if was real feelings were there. I have been asked by a woman that was 55 found that to large at the time a was 19 I'm considering going to date going a woman 10s year older with a nine-year old Child
10 Reply - Anonymous(36-45)+1 y
personally not really , cause at my age that mean she'd likely have kids or been married and have a lot more experience than I have and be used to things I don't have like lots of money and house etc. I'd prefer to date girls younger than me
00 Reply hell yes, best sex i have had was with a woman that was 14 years older than me
00 Replyi did when i was in my early twenties but now that i want to start a family i prefer then ten years younger.
00 Reply- +1 y
Yes I would happily do that, much prefer that over a 10 yers younger.
10 Reply i didn't do it before but want to do if i get a woman.
11 Reply- +1 y
No. Ten years younger maybe if I was single. Hell I wouldn't consider dating a woman my own age.
00 Reply - +1 y
Would def have sex with an older woman.
Would date an older woman.
Would not marry or have kids with an older woman tho.10 Reply Nope. I prefer women that are close to my age. 5 years younger if the furthest I'd go.
00 Reply- Anonymous(30-35)+1 y
if I am 28 then bc she would be legal then only lol
10 Reply - +1 y
no. i got a -3.5 contingency.
10 Reply - Anonymous(30-35)+1 y
Yes I definitely would. And if I assume right the chance a older women searches something more than an adventure is higher wich I prefer
00 Reply - Anonymous(30-35)+1 y
Yes and i have been actively seeking out older women because women my age aren't interested
00 Reply - +1 y
yes i'm dating a woman 16 years older than me
10 Reply - +1 y
Sure if she's cool enough.
10 Reply - +1 y
I would not date somebody that much older than me.
10 Reply Date? No.
10 Reply3.9K opinions shared on Dating topic. Yeah I love cougars.
00 Reply- +1 y
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