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+1 y

How do you deal with the "peer/social pressure" of NOT having a BF/GF, especially during teens? 😇 💕?

The point of the selfies is? And you deal with it by literally doing nothing. Who cares what they think? They can go through their meaningless relationships made only to say theyre in one.... Relationships

+1 y

Is it bad that I like how possessive my boyfriend is?

As long as he's not taking liberties that he shouldn't be... If you're happy and he's happy, then alls well. Relationships

+1 y

How bad are my cat's gums?

Damn those are light... he could be anemic. Take him to a vet. Other

+1 y

Does a backhand hurts more than a slap?

Yep. The back of your hand has much thinner skin than your palm and your bones are much closer to the surface, not to mention your knuckles. So its less of a slap, more a punch only with slightly... Other

+1 y

What color is your phone?

Pretty sure its silver. I dont actually remember, its cover is kinda hard to take off. Technology & Internet

+1 y

Girls, why do you go outside in cold with bare legs and/or no coat?

Because its either not that cold to them or theyre expecting do something physical so theyre gonna warm up anyway. Girl's Behavior

+1 y

Would you date someone with face tattoos?

God no. They clearly have poor judgement Dating

+1 y

While defecating, do you scrunch or fold the toilet paper?

Bit of both, mostly fold. Use less paper then. Other

+1 y

How come you don't want kids? How do you know that having children is not for you? (ChildFree or Anti-Natalist)?

I might have kids, I might not have kids. We'll see if it ever happens. If it does and i wasn't planning for it, cool. I guess I'm having kids. If it never happens, and I want it to,... Society & Politics

+1 y

Girls, What does it mean when a girl sits next to you?

It means she sat next to you. Nothing more nothing less. Girl's Behavior

+1 y

Is it ok to refuse to serve a gay couple based on religious beliefs?

he's giving them a wedding cake. Not reading their vows. Hell fucking live, so serve their fucking cake. Religion & Spirituality

+1 y

Would you consider dating a bisexual girl?

Be hypocritical of me to say no haha Dating

+1 y

What is your opinion on “Adult Bullies”?

Anyone who thinks bullying is going to stop just because you're a grown up is sorely mistaken. This shits here forever, we can try to minimise it but its human nature. That doesn't make it... Society & Politics

+1 y

Can you blow bubbles with Gum?

Yep. Not big ones, but I think that requires specific type of gum. Other

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