This sounds like to me, sorry to say this, your jealous of him commenting on his friends pics that girls.
If he takes you out, cares for you, and buys nice things for you? what more do you want from him?
At the end of the day, him commenting on other girls pictures means, nothing in the social media, social media is fake, most of those girls he comments through facebook, he probably never socializes with them in the real world.
Most of time when people compliment each other on social media, its not sincere, its more to please the other person.
If you are looking to your boyfriend to make you feel good and beautiful, then that means you suffer from low self-esteem. Seeking validation from others, is not going to help you, and no matter how much he tells you sexy you are, it will never be good enough for you, because you don't feel good about yourself anyway. seeking validation from others, is like a black hole, no matter you give it, its never enough, the black keeps sucking everything in.
My advice to you, start appreciating yourself, and start think you are beautiful first. The only opinion that matters, is your own opinion, and you need to be saying these affirmations every day at least five times a day, that will rise your self esteem.
Saying that, don't get me wrong its nice to be appreciated from your partner, but maybe look for appreciation from your boyfriend else where. If you want him to appreciate you, you also have to appreciate him as well.
It could as simple as him treating to a nice day out in spar somewhere, getting your makeup done, your hair done etc. But if you want him to do that for you, try throwing some hints at him, like I would love to go for a spar treatment one day.
Most people don't know the difference between confidence and self-esteem. Confidence is that you know can drive a car, you know can do 2+2=4. But self-esteem is different, self-esteem, is about how you feel about yourself, do you feel beautiful, do you think you are smart, are you worthy of having that guy, and that comes to what you think of yourself, and that's self-esteem.
But honest with yourself? how you do feel about yourself on a scale 1-10. If its below 5, then you suffer from quiet low self-esteem. But this does not mean, you suffer from low confidence. again two different things. - Asker+1 y
I do appreciate him. I compliment him often, i care for him - i pay for things, I make sure he is safe, I make sure he is comfortable when we go out, I try very hard to make him happy. I am very nurturing towards him. But, he doesn’t really show me much verbal affection at all. He only tells me “oh, you look good”. But, to other women, he comments 😍 and tells them they look really pretty and just compliments them in ways he doesn’t me. The things he does for me, they’re the things I also do for him. But, he only wants to see me on the weekends, he hasn’t let me meet his family/he won’t meet mine, his friends don’t know about me - there’s just all these things that make me feel so badly! Also, if i so much as move his phone over if it’s placed somewhere, he gets very defensive over it. So, I just don’t know. I don’t feel he appreciates me. I dated another guy before him, and that guy showed actual interest in me - and i never felt insecure/jealous with him.
- Asker+1 y
But, he also didn’t do those things on social media. And, he actually made me feel appreciated for both my looks, and who I was. There was such a difference.
Most Helpful Opinions
I’m kinda thinking two things; I’d like to get his perspective on this, see what he says. Something tells me he feels whatever he is doing, may not be good enough and feels discouraged. Does he give you examples of how he has tried to show you how much he appreciates you? I’m not trying to take the opposite position, but noticed it is so easy to take your side, while not considering his.
However if he is truly neglecting you, acting like your needs are a nuisance, ridiculous and not sensitive to your feelings, then I would say, you probably should create space between you two, to see how he reacts to that023 Reply- Asker+1 y
If he felt that way, i felt that way too. I felt i wasn’t enough for him to love correctly. He would tell me of the things he did for his past gfs/loves and he’s never done those for me, or treated me the way he treated them. Ever since we started to become more serious, like 2 months in about (when we were actually dating), he just pulled away. I just never felt i was good enough for him to receive affection and appreciation because he’d never give it to me. Sometimes I’d show appreciation through words/cute jokes and he’d tell me “yeah, I’m gonna shut that down”. It made me feel so badly and rejected all the time.
- +1 y
If you feel that way, he isn’t doing his job, and doing what is needed for you, at a bare minimum to not feel this way, so I would move on.
I’ll give you an example, you really do have to monitor how your partner feels, sometimes it is absurd and redundant, but if you are into them, you still deal with it, because otherwise it will just get worse and grow apart, so you should move on from him - +1 y
Sometimes I feel like a jerk taking the other side, or challenging people to see another side, but you know, if is how it is, and you are analyzing not just feelings and emotions but more importantly, his behavior which is actually a better and more accurate method in determining how he feels... and his behavior isn’t corresponding to actions that make sense, for someone who is caring of you, that is what you should pay attention to in addition to your feelings
- Asker+1 y
I am looking at his behavior. His behavior online and his inability to show me verbal/physical affection. Like i have said, he just doesn’t make me feel special to him. Yes, we go out. Yes, he pays for things - but, I do those things to him too. I show him verbal affection through compliments and I show him physical affection (but he never reacts warmly to it). One time he mentioned breaking up, and I said “okay, if that’s what you want. We can do that”. He said “so you just want to end it all? No. I didn’t want to end it. You do!” So i don’t know, I get the feeling he is maybe manipulative. Because, I have dated other guys and i have not felt this way towards them (unless they don’t give me the physical/emotion attention I ask for), then that’s when their social media interactions become a problem because it’s Iike “why does this girl get his attention (i. e., follow, likes, comments) and i don’t get any of that in REAL life or the VIRTUAL world. I know he feels i am overreacting
- Asker+1 y
And being dramatic and unreasonable. But, his actions and inactions do hurt me a lot. It sucks when my friends have brought to my attention the things he does online/mention it would bother them too/mention he doesn’t seem like my bf/he should be giving me more attention. I don’t know, I just often feel disregarded or hidden in a sense (his friends don’t know of me, his family does, but i haven’t met them and he’s overprotective of his phone - like if it’s on the table and i move it over he freaks out! And if i mention it, he denies it). So, those are his actions i am looking at.
- +1 y
Sometimes, actually lot of times, boyfriends feel like, “she just can’t ever be content, something is always wrong and she looks for it” and they stop trying to solve it. I’m not saying this applies to you, but it is common for boys to feel that way about their girlfriends sometimes, and why they feel that way, often results from their own shortcomings and effort
- Asker+1 y
I am with him because i still have deep feelings for him. Also, I am starting to think that maybe I am with him because he makes me feel guilty when he says “i can’t do anything right. I do x, y and z for you! Your boyfriend was abusive and now I’m worse apparently, at least you guy stayed together for a really long time”. And then i think “oh, maybe he isn’t that bad of a guy and I’m just being ridiculous”. But, my self-esteem suffers so much with him.
- Asker+1 y
It just upsets me, because he has talked about his past gfs/lovers, and the effort he put into those relationships is so much more compared to what he does for our relationship, and for me. He made those girls feel appreciated and loved (and they cheated on him, but i never have and never would!) i have been cheated on and i still put in a lot of effort, so being cheated on doesn’t mean he shouldn’t show me effort. It just sucks. I am often left comparing myself to things because, i just don’t understand why he appreciates and admires other women and not me. And why he can’t put in effort to show me he actually likes me and is attracted to me.
- +1 y
Relationships aren’t easy when they get to where you are at, sounds like you two have been together for awhile... even know his parents. I don’t know what to say. It is really important to make your girlfriend feel appreciated and safe and sexy and secure as possible, or else it won’t be good for the entire couple, if he isn’t trying, I really think he isn’t good for you
- Asker+1 y
I don’t know. I just feel insecure with him, like, i can’t trust him. The relationship i want is deeper than what he is offering me. I feel he is still playing games and doesn’t respect me. He has done so much more for his exes, and shows attention to too many girls on social media. And i also just found out he updated his tinder account. When i confronted him, he lied and told me he doesn’t know how it got updated... so, he wants to cheat. It all makes sense now.
- +1 y
Well, it’s not a good idea to make assumptions. Assumptions are not conclusions, they will always be assumptions unless you make them conclusions by confirming or asking etc and if you are with someone who can’t do that, what is the point? I’m not sure I understand how to be in a relationship where you have to feel like an investigator to make sense of what is causing your boyfriend or girlfriend, behave the way they do, making you feel like shit, because it’s impossible to ask them directly. Does that sound sustainable?
- Asker+1 y
Yes! But, i did ask him why he updated it. He told me “i don’t know. I don’t have the app. I didn’t update it”. But, tinder doesn’t work that way! You have to deliberately change your profile! The fact he lied about it to me shows his intentions weren’t good. So, i don’t know.
- +1 y
I don’t know if you fit into this profile but many many girls are very needy and never content, always looking for a reason why the relationship isn’t good enough, i grew up with 3 sisters and knew all their friends so it’s not just my experience... they just have very high expectations mixed with insecurities... often jealous and can’t trust any boyfriend. If you honestly feel you aren’t like that, and this isn’t in your nature, that you could easily be content in a caring relationship, so long as basic requirements are met, and won’t ever not trust a boyfriend unless they give you a reason not to trust, well, you are perfectly capable to have a healthy relationship and this one isn’t worth your investment
- Asker+1 y
It’s just, I have dated other guys where I didn’t feel this nagging insecurity! I felt I could trust them, and if i ever got insecure/jealous, I could talk myself out of it and move on from those feelings. With this guy, I always felt on edge and insecure. He just doesn’t listen when I tell him “hey, can you not show girls attention like that? Can you show me some more please. Can you show me a little more affection? I need words of affirmation and touch to feel more loved and appreciated.” I would tell him ALL the time! My self-esteem is suffering so much. I see all these relationships where the boyfriend acts like he actually likes his girlfriend, and my boyfriend doesn’t do any of that to me!
- +1 y
I think I know how you feel, but remember only you, interpret your reality on the basis of how you feel. Everyone else judges things based on how you behave, your behavior, what you do, when, what it means, etc. that is how everyone else interprets you. Only you know how you feel. So, what is most important is what your boyfriend is doing, or not doing, that he should or should not do, not because you feel one way or another, but because any 3rd party who isn’t bias, is telling you, his behavior shows he isn’t caring
- +1 y
As a guy, I can tell you, as soon as your girlfriend gets into the headspace, that she needs to watch you, because she doesn’t trust you or others, doesn’t come to you, but her circle of friends, to talk about it, makes assumptions and acts on them, becomes jealous, gets insecure or depending on your next gesture to give her a sigh of relief or perhaps she will find a detail that she can mutate into a reason to feel more insecure (as she doesn’t know she is searching for that)... once it gets to this point, it’s just not healthy and being single is therapeutic, often you need to focus not on him, but you, get your goals aligned to your optimism and don’t allow yourself to compromise anything but a healthy relationship
- +1 y
I grew up with sisters and lived with women my whole life, the most tragic thing, about them, is they allow themselves to be compromised seeking affirmation from men, who aren’t worth it. I don’t know why they do it, why can’t they see, he isn’t part of a good plan. It’s almost like they are looking to outsource their emotional state and put its fate into the lap of a horny pittbull... just because of some romantic shit that happened awhile ago, that didn’t last. You have to invest in yourself, forget him, your strongest moment is when you will tell yourself, not him but me, is in charge of how I feel about myself
- +1 y
Ah i wanna get you out of that relationship so bad. If he cared for you like he says he does why does he get upset and argue with you everytime you bring up a situation that affects you. With all do respect your boyfriend sounds like scum. i don't mean to brag but my partner would tell me how beautiful i am everyday, even if i dont see him, and you're right. i used to get crazy jealous when he'd like other females pictures cos i felt they were better than me and he told me that, yes they do look nice but that doesn't mean that they are nicer than you. in his opinion he is with me, a girl that most men want. when we go out and he see's another man watching me for too long, he grabs my hand or slaps my ass, and then he told that he feels so lucky to be with a girl that most men wish they had. you aren't over reacting, he is being very foolish and he shouldn't take you for granted like this. and also paying for things is something materialistic i dont think your he type of person that cares for material things, more the love and affection. And the fact he gets mad when you bring it up makes me suspicous about him, like maybe he is flirting or doing some unfaithful shit. if i talk to my man about something, it's always a calm convo and we find ways of fixing our problems, a good relationship relies on a balance of equailty and communication. TELL YOUR MAN TO FIX THE FUCK UP, OR LEAVE HIM. he's #trash
30 Reply
I've been dating the same guy for two years and I haven't even bothered to change my relationship status on facebook. Different people display affection differently. It isn't about you it's about him and his comfort level. If you are feeling neglected that's a problem, but first take a deep breath and look for the ways he does show affection. Does he text you to ask how you are doing all the time, does he remember tiny details of things you say, does he go out of his way to help you or your family members. Different people show their love in different ways. Be sure you aren't ignoring his ways of showing affection before you convince yourself that he doesn't care. I have a feeling that this is more your insecurity talking and you are actively looking for reasons why he doesn't want to be there. When we let our insecurity take over it doesn't allow us to see all the good things that contradict what that nasty little voice is telling you. Social media isn't the end all and be all of a relationship. Tell that voice telling you, you aren't good enough to shut up for a day and try to see how he shows affection. If your still not convinced dump him and find someone who will treat you better. But, don't let insecurity dictate your life.
10 Reply
Women who are in an abusive relationship often get “rescued” by another abusive relationship. They neglect, they turn your words against you, they make you feel guilty for having an opinion... it happens slowly, but it’s a control thing. They will treat you worse over time to where you don’t realize it, and when you bring it up, they will always bring up your ex, not the current relationship. He’s also likely cheating.
Do not stay in this relationship, you are better than this. Take some time off from dating to focus on healing.22 Reply- Asker+1 y
That is exactly how I felt! He isn’t all bad all the time, but, he only shows affection/interest when it benefits him. It makes me feel so trapped. I don’t understand why he just doesn’t listen to me.
What Girls & Guys Said
The same thing with me and my now boyfriend of three years. At first, he didn't know how to treat me special or initiate physicality. Whereas I had been in several relationships before and knew how I wanted to be treated. Unfortunately, that meant me being disappointed a lot and him gradually becoming self conscious. The situation was bad until I decided to take things slower than I'm used to and he seemed to notice. This allowed for him to take his own steps and gradually become the boyfriend of my dreams ~ instead of your issues sounding like complaints, make them sound like kind encouragements. Works like a charm!
22 Reply- Asker+1 y
It’s too late now. I found out he had been cheating on me for a really long time.
The way he tries to make you feel bad for having these feelings is manipulative! You have a right to your own feelings and if he wants to be part of your life he needs to do something to change your feelings. I've put up with this kind of emotional manipulation for many years and since I started putting my foot down and saying exactly what I said up above things have changed, drastically. Tell him what I said and see if he changes, if he doesn't then give him an ultimatum, if he still doesn't change.. leave! You're young and I'm sure beautiful, and there are many many more men in the world who would treat you like a queen.
20 Reply- +1 y
He's not into you as much as you want to, everything you've written has said that he's most likely with you "just because". A guy in love wouldn't be doing that on social media all the time, would tell you daily that he loves you and contact you frequently. If even at the start he was like that then he never was all that into you in the first place. Leave him and find someone worthy of you.
In all honesty it sounds as if he wants you to break up with him as he's being all defensive and acting childish over something really stupid.20 Reply - +1 y
First off, you need to separate social media “likes” from the real world. Counting likes or relying on social media for ones self worth is disturbing behavior.
THAT SAID, if your boyfriend doesn’t make you feel special when you’ve clearly told him your needs, that’s a problem. You say the tells you “i listen to you, i care about you” but he really doesn’t. A successful relationship is one where two people communicate their needs and both make efforts to provide them. I don’t see this relationship as the best fit for you.10 Reply - +1 y
well the social media stuff really shouldn't matter but in totality it does show a lack of verbal intimacy on his part.
it's pretty messed up for him to react the way he does. i mean he has a point but drudging up an abusive partner is really fucked up
i think you need to just say i would like some verbal and physical affection from you. i know you do lots of other things but different people like to have love shown in different ways. and if you care rather than getting mad just make an effort.
while at the same time you try to recognize that outside of the physical and verbal affection/appreciation he does do things that are indications of his feelings and try to be patient and understanding that perhaps verbal or physical affection/appreciation may not come easy to him10 Reply Why be with someone who doesn't care about your feelings?
"He tells me "i take you out, i pay for things, i go down on you during sex, i listen to you, i care about you. Your ex was abusive and apparently I’m worse than him now!” - Him getting upset about that, is his problem. He shouldn't spin it around because you confronted him about it and you're upset, it was about your feelings and not his. You're meant to be a couple, if you are upset or not happy you would talk about it and try and resolve it- on both your side and his.
To me, It sounds like he knows your dependable. He knows you won't leave him- because he's gotten away with shit you don't like... which is a horrible trait.
Drop his ass, why waste years on something or someone that doesn't make YOU happy and in a good state of mind 🤷♀️10 Reply503 opinions shared on Break Up & Divorce topic. Doesn’t sound like a good thing. I always want to take everything on social media with a grain of salt, but the fact that he keeps treating all the other girls around him ”better” than you, and does it even more when you try to talk about it, tells me that he’s doing it on purpose. And the fact that he blames you for feeling this way, without even taking what you have to say into consideration, tells me he isn’t mature enough to be in a relationship. Communication is key. You should be able to talk about these things, even if you disagree, without him resorting to blaming you or throwing temper tantrums (sarcastically comparing himself to your ex..). I don’t see this working out in the long run unless he does a 180 degree turn when it comes to communication.
10 Reply- +1 y
hmm I dont know what EXACTLY he's doing on social media, but from some comments it seems he slides in other girls DMs? And flirts with them? Well if thats the case - why would he do so? The answer doesn't sound like a good one. He doesn't sound very faithful in that case. Not only this but if my boyfriend was on social media, he would like my pics at least because its not even about the number of likes its just normal to like and sorta morally support your SO in that small way. Eitherway, if you feel you need more, and he's not giving it to you - find someone else. In the end always ask yourself are you happy? No? Then it doesn't matter what he believes he's giving you, if you're not satisfied you have the right to look elsewhere.
10 Reply - +1 y
It's your relationship, only you know the true reasons you're with him and what your best decision is. I try not to comment much on people having these types of relationship issues because this is just your side to the story, and maybe if I tell you what I really think you'd be offended.
21 Reply- Asker+1 y
What do you really think?
- +1 y
It's sad indeed.. but can u pl tell why u with him after this All? Is he not compliment u only or he treat u generally in this way.. I mean he not love u or he not care about u... until full picture is not known.. an honest opinion can not be given... are u with him and tolerating him cz u love him? anyways whatever is doing is not fair... he is taking u for granted and he should respect ur loyalty and should not do such things on social media... take a break.. a couple of days away from him... gather urself and think positive and negative points and then decide... another thing if u r good u not need compliment of anyone and from those who not care... treat him like he treat u to make him realize
10 Reply - +1 y
It doesn't sound good. Not liking or commenting on your stuff online is not really a red flag on its own, but it's all the other behavior you describe that makes me question how serious he is. Especially his defensiveness. It seems like the things he does "for you" are him just going through the motions. They really only mean something within the right context, otherwise they're empty gestures. Be prepared for the worst. I'm not saying this can't be saved, but it's most likely best if you didn't set your hopes to high. Weigh your options and choose what you think is best. Always remember to do yourself the biggest favor so you can breathe and be happy.
10 Reply Relationships are a private deal, maybe he feels he doesn't need to show his affection online. As well; just because you're in a relationship doesn't mean he needs to be in constant contact. If his actions are different infront of friends and family, and in person then talk. But relationships aren't social media.
17 Reply- Asker+1 y
It’s not just social media. It’s in person too. When we go out, he doesn’t seem like my boyfriend (he’ll often sit on his phone in group settings/when we’re in the car). He doesn’t show verbal or physical affection, only sometimes. It’s not just social media though, it’s deeper than that!
- Asker+1 y
Because everyone makes it seem i am just being overly insecure and jealous. When my feelings are actually valid, but, he makes me feel guilty so sometimes I think that maybe I am overreacting too much.
- +1 y
Relationships aren't about the other person but about you and what you gain and bring to the relationship. If you're having insecurities and jealousy problems alongside feeling guilty, shouldn't you work on yourself and how you feel before being with someone? If he means so much to you, then you work on yourself and be a better person and have a positive mindset. Confidence ib yourself is what keeps two people together
- Asker+1 y
No. I think it’s just him and what he does/doesn’t do. Because, I have never had an issue with a guy like I do this one. My question basically states what he does that makes me feel insecure. If someone is not showing you the same appreciation/admiration that they are to others (whether online or real life), then of course you will feel devalued - ESPECIALLY when you mention to them what you need to feel loved/cared for. I tell my boyfriend what I need, so, it isn’t like I am not communicating that to him. He makes other girls feel special at my expense. Why am i the one being blamed here, lol.
- Asker+1 y
And also, by you stating relationships are what you gain, then it is also about the other person too.
- +1 y
The fact that he gets upset when you bring your problems to him is a huge red flag. My boyfriend always always listens to me when I tell him things that bother me and then we have a civil and relaxed discussion about it together with no one blaming the other or gettig angry or defensive.
He needs to learn that in a relationship it is common decency to hear your partner out and to find a way to resolve things instead of acting like a 5 year old. You are a team and if he is not willing to talk about it and find common ground in a adult manner, then it may be time to reconsider if you want a man who will have no desire to resolve issues for the rest of his and your life.20 Reply Test him. Create space and give him the silent treatment. Obviously, verbal confrontation didn’t work so give him a little taste of his own medicine. I know it sounds petty, but communication failed between you two, so start liking pictures of guys or guy friends (even sexy pictures of them). If guys offer you their numbers in person, accept it just to see his reaction. He sounds really indifferent towards you, but if you do those two things and if you get a strong reaction out of him, that’s when you see hypocrisy. If he doesn’t care, he doesn’t care. Either way, your relationship may be sinking but confirm it’s sinking before abandoning ship.
10 Reply- +1 y
Ok, all men will like pics of good looking girls on instagram, we just do. However i do not agree with not showing you affection or showing other girls more affection, now i actually have a friend and she came to me with the same question, her ex was doing, well, everything you just mentioned and i told her. "Look" (lets call her taco). "Look taco, likeing other girl's pictures isn't a big deal tbh, but complimenting other girls besides you but like complimenting in like.. you know.. is wrong. He probably doesn't take your relationship seriously, if i were you i would look for someone who will actually treat you like a queen" so yeah now im passing this down to you... gl
10 Reply Say he stopped doing all the things he does and started liking your pictures and paying you compliments would you be happy with your relationship?
I think you may be sensitive because of a bad past experience but equally he should be able to pay you a better compliment than "you look good "
I think your love language is different and you're clashing. Reassess if you can get past this and talk or think about walking.
If you're not happy you're not happy. You have to work out why it is and deal with it, is he the issue or do you need to love yourself more first?
I hope you work this one out.00 ReplyIt sounds to me like you are not a good match. You are someone who needs attention and need to be appreciated. There is of course nothing wrong with that. But you are dating a guy who doesn't really express his emotions in the relationship. And there is nothing wrong with that either. But I don't think he will change and I think you'll be frustrated.
14 Reply- Asker+1 y
He can express emotions and appreciation, just not to me.
- Asker+1 y
But he was very affectionate with his exes/past girls’ he dated... i know because he told me of the stuff he did for them/stuff they did together. It makes me feel badly tho that he is giving attention to other girls, and saying nice and cute things to them. But not to me. It hurts me feelings, and yes, it makes me jealous. I don’t think it’s right, because I don’t do those things to other guys.
- +1 y
It sounds like he isn't all that into you, like he sees the relationship as a chore instead of seeing you as the amazing person you are.
I've been in a similar situation, it hurts, but in the end it's probably best to consider letting him go. This only gets worse over time.30 Reply The social media stuff is kinda dumb. Fact he is with you not with them says he likes you more then them.
But sounds like he doesn't make you happy and you are scared to leave. Like scared to be alone. But from what you say it doesn't sound worth it.23 Reply- Asker+1 y
This doesn’t appear to be true. I found out he had been sexting another girl behind my back since September :/
- Asker+1 y
No. The part where you say he is with me because he likes me more than him (i also just found out yesterday he had been sexting another girl behind my back).
- +1 y
Break up with him. Social media shouldn't be that big of a deal but if he is paying that sort of attention to other girls then he isn't giving you the special treatment you deserve.
"A boy will try to make his significant other jealous of other girls, but a Man will make other girls jealous of his woman."31 Reply- +1 y
- +1 y
Apparently this guy thinks taking you out, sex, and not being abusive should be enough for relationship. He obviously living in his own world. At this point, it doesn't sound like he cares that much for you. Your nice to have around but the girls on the internet seem to be what he truly wants. In that case, I think it's time to leave.
20 Reply - +1 y
Oh dear, I just read the tinder bit. Until then I was going to suggest how to try and coax some dialogue out of him but... I think you might be wasting your time. I'm so sorry you're in a relationship that's so one sided. Communication is so important.
20 Reply Loving someone is more than just going down on the person or buying them things, those are good things but if that represents love than no wonder our world is so fucked up, i honestly think you should find someone that sees the true meaning of love, since he doesn't wanna say it i will, you are beautiful, I don't know who you are but i can tell by the way you are, dont torture yourself with him, i honestly think you should find someone else, you won't regret it, he is toxic and you deserve to be with someone that would get you the attention you deserve, im always on here so if you need any help with anything dont hesitate, you'll be ok, move on to someone better
10 Reply- Anonymous(36-45)+1 y
Knock it off with the social media crap. Who cares if he comments or likes stuff, or doesn't?
That being said, you do deserve affection, compliments, etc. If you don't know what the 5 love languages are, you should read up on them. It's obvious you and your boyfriend don't speak the same language.
Also, he is being borderline emotionally abusive by forcing a comparison between himself and your previous boyfriend. Just because he's not as bad as the other guy, doesn't mean he's doing good.
Going down on you during sex shouldn't get him and bonus points. That should be expected, anything less and he's just being an asshole.10 Reply This guy your dating clearly has no life beyond his phone and he doesn't see the damage its causing you and maybe even doesn't care. You are a beautiful woman and don't ever let him make you feel otherwise. Why do you think other guys hit on you even when your out with him. I'm sorry to say this but he probably has an addiction to social media and isn't willing to see that fact even when its brought up. It sucks for you cus you clearly are trying to make it work but it'll only work when he decides to change and you can't force that no matter what you say or do. If this relationship is causing you harm than the relationship is toxic. Get out of it and take care of yourself. You did your best and that's all anyone can ever ask of you. You're still young so dont be afraid to lose someone who's doing you wrong cus that's the only way you'll find the one that does right by you. Wish you the best in life.
10 Reply- +1 y
He was a jerk from the beginning. He is cheating with other girls online and doesn't rven care that you see it cuz he knows you are still there. If you leave his ass he will get scared and beg u and act like the perfect boyfriend for only a while and then get back to being himself. Learn how to control the situation as he is trying to make u feel guilty for being upset.
That's emotional abuse.10 Reply - +1 y
Sounds like an asshole honestly, Im no doctor but Id say this sounds like emotional abuse, I wouldn't think it mattered as much if he treated evreryone like that, but just his girlfriend, well tbh to me it sounds like he dosent actually like you, but thats just my opinion
10 Reply To me it sounds like he is no longer emotionally invested or never was to begin with. If he has to come up with reasons / examples of how he loves you when you don’t feel like he’s showing it in a way you both are comfortable with, he just trying to convince himself at that point. Every girl deserves someone who hypes them up and makes them feel like they are the best thing for the person they are with. I wish you luck!
10 Reply- +1 y
You need to leave him point blank if he really cared for you he would show it period bottom line the best thing you can do is leave you should have a guy that makes you feel special if he don’t he ain’t for you. Him doing that he could also be cheating but that I don't know for a fact but him acting that way it wouldn’t be surprising
10 Reply Simple
19 Reply- +1 y
Well I mean he could have been a nice guy to begin with. There's really no way to tell
- Asker+1 y
He was always like this though (except in the early stages when he was trying to win me over)
- +1 y
Why decide now that it's an issue?
- Asker+1 y
Because he started to get like this around 2-3 months into the relationship. And it has been going on for a really long time. And i don’t know what else to do.
- +1 y
I'd at least try talking about it, and if that doesn't help, just move on. I don't think you're as happy with this guy anymore, and he sounds a bit like a fuckboi to me
- +1 y
Those types of guys with flirt with any moving person with a vagina
- +1 y
That it.
At the end you made the wrong choice and is putting on your shoulder unnecessary stress which will end up proving bad to you and ruin your whole young life.
you will invest time in something you do not know it works and just doing trial and error also at an age that is not the right time to do it as you are not fully mature and know how to decide and differentiate between a need and want, between a desire and deserve.
Honestly he doesn't seen like a very pleasing person to date. He simple, and I am sorry to say this, but he doesn't really seem that interested in you. Of course everything is your choice, but if I were you I would maybe ask myself if I wanted to continue this. He doesn't seem to act in a very mature way as I saw someone else mentioning as well. If you feeling bad about something he has done and it turns into an argument where he turns it around and onto you, he seem a manipulative which is far from a healthy thing in a relationship if you ask me. I hope you can use this for something
10 ReplyI think you already know you're better off without him but you came on here seeking validation for that. Cut your losses. Take it from me... i spent 2 years of my life chasing a guy who never appreciated me or even went out of his way to make time for me. And you know what? I waited and waited and tried and gave it many chances but it never worked out. Save yourself the time
20 Reply- +1 y
He pisses me off, That's actually a real problem and you're not being over dramatic about it. Bring it up again have a real talk with him about it don't feel bad and be strong. after the talk you'll know if he's the one for you, if he even listens and doesn't run his mouth or go off.
10 Reply - +1 y
Honestly in my opinion I see it not working out, lack of communication is a huge thing in a relationship, if he doesn't wanna talk about that simple thing.. what makes you think he's not hiding anything else? I'd say drop it if you can't break him.. it's not worth fighting for something if that something never changes you know?
30 Reply - +1 y
Girl, its simple. If your boy doesn't respects you or beeing nice or saying "i love you", if he doesn't make you feel better for yourself or he is not making you feel like you are his princess. Than talk to him & if he doesn't seem that he understand, leave him. And never look back.
20 Reply - Anonymous(25-29)+1 y
I think it's time that you move on and find someone better. As someone else mentioned on here, life is too short. There are also too many fish in the sea. Know your worth and that you deserve better. So, again leave him and find someone that will treat you well.
20 Reply - +1 y
No shit he gets mad when you bring it up, your neediness is driving him away cause it's annoying having to reassure someone that you like them. So that behaviour is driving him to seek greener pastures elsewhere.
Break up with him and learn to be happy with yourself before getting into another relationship. You aren't ready for one.110 Reply- Asker+1 y
Why doesn’t he break up with me? How am i supposed to feel secure with someone who has an inability to appreciate me? Lol. It’s not just social media, I’ve stated that it runs deeper than that!
- Asker+1 y
And to be honest, he is the only partner i have been with where these feelings of inadequacy and insecurity have come up. Why? Because he doesn’t make me feel like he likes me/is with me because he likes me. He does the bare minimum and treats everyone with more attention. Also, I’m not even asking for a lot. I’m asking for a partner that shows affection once in a while. Like what lol?
- Asker+1 y
Lol, i don’t think I’m insecure because i have not ever been like this... UNTIL i dated him because he doesn’t show me attention/affection. Also, i am assuming you would message other girls while in a relationship because you don’t think it’s wrong (or seem to think it’s wrong - you throw everything back at me being insecure). Have a good day lol :)
- Asker+1 y
Omg, clearly i am insecure about WHAT he is messaging. He isn’t messaging them “hi”, he is being flirty/messaging them about their appearances and acting single in the DMs. I have seen the messages he sent. Why on earth would i be jealous/insecure if he was just being friendly towards a female he knows? That was a wrong assumption to make towards me lol.
- Asker+1 y
So no. I am not insecure. My boyfriend is doing things that don’t show me appreciation/respect and then throwing it back at me being insecure, just like you are doing. That isn’t right.
- +1 y
Your feelings of insecurity and inadequacy have come up because you are seeking reassurances from others about your worth. If you were content within yourself their opinion wouldn't affect you. You felt good in past relationships because you dated nice guys who showered you with compliments.
- Asker+1 y
No. I dated nice guys who DIDN’T do this. Who didn’t slide into other girl’s dms and flirt with them/compliment them. My boyfriend does this to other girls, and all he can tell me is “oh, you look good” when i put in a lot of effort. It’s not me basing my worth off of his opinions. It’s me not feeling appreciated by the person i am dating. And it’s funny, once I tell you the CONTEXT of his messages to other girls, you still throw it at me being insecure. Whatever lol. I appreciate your advice, but, I don’t agree with you - at all. Your view is skewed and unfair.
- Asker+1 y
From your answers, I feel sorry for a woman who dates you. You probably are very insecure also and that’s why you don’t see an issue in this. Sorry. Have a good day lol
It sounds like he actually think a bit lowly of you because of your previous relationship. You have to communicate with him about this cause it is causing you a lot of pain. Or you could try approaching professionals. If all doesn't help, it may be better to end it.
20 Reply- +1 y
I really don't know what to tell you about this except that maybe he's Not That Into You. I don't see how he could be on social media and not respond to you for 12 to 24 hours later that's kind of crazy I guess you have to decide whether this is the type of guy you want in your life or not you have to search your soul way out your pros and cons what's the good things about being with him what's the bad things about being win if the good outweighs the bad then you know what you have to do
30 Reply First, both men and women need to feel appreciated. Have you told him how you want to feel appreciated and that you feel this is lacking in the relationship? Be very direct and specific but polite.
Second, you shouldn't base your worth on social media, that is unrealistic and will lead you down the wrong path. Your self-worth comes from inside yourself, not from someone or something else.10 ReplyMen view this as work. He thinks at this point in the relationship you should know he loves you. He's not controlling so don't expect him to watch over you like a lion defending his prey when you go out. You are both not seeing the other side of the argument. Try doing possitive forms of conflict resolution. Instead of getting upset. Tell him compliments and you'll be surprised that he starts putting in more work.
12 Reply- Asker+1 y
I do give him compliments. He just brushes them aside. Then i feel rejected. I try and initiate affection more around him, verbally and physically. But, he just rejects it a lot. So, i’ve stopped
He got hurt really bad by another woman and is projecting how she treated him onto you.
Now if you were the other women, as in you two were together before & bad things happened & then you got back together it’d make sense for things to take time.
If you aren’t happy just move on.00 ReplyWow im in exactly the Same relationship calls her babe sexy eyes always commenting nice even had a glance at her inbox and fuk wish I didn't first message pops up hay miss your face not being the first message I've found but I do know if ur not happy get happy lifes to short to regret stupid feelings once you let go there's no turning back feel stronger and your independence shoots sky high no better payback returning there actions go out with friends surround urself around happy good vibes and positive friends
00 ReplyAs your boyfriend he should be at least trying to listen to your issues, especially if they're about your relationship. If he gets mad whenever you bring these things up, he might just not have caught that yet. Try to convince him to talk about it, and if he still won't, he might not be the guy for you.
30 Reply- +1 y
Well I'll give him credit he is right about being worse then the ex. As for what you should do that's leave for a week don't tell him where you're going just go to your parents or a friends and then see if he actually does care and if he does miss you an if he don't come looking you dumping his abusive arse.
10 Reply - Anonymous(30-35)+1 y
I think it's a way to make you feel so insecure that you don't one day realize thayt you're better off without him. Very narcissistic thing to do
21 Reply- Asker+1 y
I often felt he was trying to make me feel insecure. It sucks a lot, because i just don’t feel appreciated or valued ! I did in the beginning, and then he changed.
- +1 y
Maybe this is one of those "love language" things and yours is just different then his. (His language is acts of service and yours is words of kindness.) But it seems more likely that he's just not the one for you and you need to find someone who's crazy about you and treats you like an angel :)
10 Reply - +1 y
Overreacting is the first thing that comes to our mind which is most of the time wrong. People who overreact generally never feel they are overreacting. Tell me top 3 reasons to be with him or you like in him?
10 Reply Learn not to need the constant reminders of affection. As that is going to only end up to continue to take a toll on you. Learn to take his words of affection more seriously and less of the actions on social media.
He sounds like the grounded in reality type and not one to get stuck in social media which is a good thing.00 Reply- +1 y
I would highly suggest you find a boyfriend that appreciates you. It's horrible for your self-esteem and it's not going to get any better
30 Reply First of all am really sorry about your situation.
Coming to your problem it seems he doesn't cares about your presence in the relationship.
Its time you make him realise by showing him what can he feel if he sees someone else in his place.
Now there are various ways to do that. But you know him very well so pick such a move that will bring him close to you and also that would grow a fear in him about losing you which will bring him more close to you emotionally too.
I hope this works for you.10 ReplyMaybe he has commitment issues or trouble expressing real emotion. Those other girls probably mean nothing to him so he says stuff. But when it comes to you, maybe he has a mental block. For instance, he doesn't want to make it awkward or feel like a "wuss" being romantic and making compliments. Is he a manly man type guy?
00 ReplyHe doesn't love you anymore. He's with you because of sex only.
Leave him. Move on. You can get a good guy. Your self respect is most important.30 Reply- +1 y
Wow, that's so rude. What are his excuses for liking their pics but not yours? I mean it sounds like he can see both of yours and those girls' in his feed. It makes little sense.
10 Reply - +1 y
Get a new boyfriend. Ur man should treat you like a queen and enjoy it at the same time. I have a girlfriend and I'm always finding new ways of telling her i love her 😊
30 Reply - +1 y
Leave. You deserve appreciation and if he doesn't provide it. Find someone who will. You'll live much happier
10 Reply - +1 y
You've already tried to discuss it with him and it didn't work. I would advise you to break up with him, but that's easier said than done.
10 Reply - +1 y
If your unhappy leave him but not because friends or anyone else say you should. Guys are bad with compliments
10 Reply - +1 y
Don’t rely on social media to fix your problems, and don’t settle for a guy who makes you feel less than you are.
10 Reply Change boyfriends. Choose a man this time not a boy
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