My boyfriend doesn’t make me feel appreciated and gets mad when I bring it up, what should I do?

A lot of it has to do with social media. He rarely likes my photos/comments on them. He has commented nice things on his female friends’ photos before, and he often like their photos (sometimes they are sexy photos too). He has even gone out of his way to like several random photos on a random girls’ profile. He never really compliments me in person; the most he has ever said is “oh, you look good” and that’s about it. He doesn’t show physical affection, and he never says he loves me. Whenever we go out, people mention he doesn’t seem like my boyfriend and they try and get my number. My friends also have mentioned that he doesn’t seem like my boyfriend, more like my friend, when we go out for the first time together. Whenever i mention he doesn’t make me feel special, he gets upset with me. He tells me “i take you out, i pay for things, i go down on you during sex, i listen to you, i care about you. Your ex was abusive and apparently I’m worse than him now!” Then i feel really guilty and sad inside. I hate communicating this with him because it always turns into an argument. I am not sure why i don’t deserve to be complimented once in a while, or to feel cherished and beautiful to the man I’m dating. I feel like he gives other girls attention (especially online), and the more i mention it, the more he does it. I am lost and don’t know what to do. Maybe i am overreacting, but, then again, i feel a man should naturally won’t to appreciate his woman. There was also a time in the beginning of dating where he wouldn’t reply to my messages for 12-24 hours sometimes, but, he’d always be on social media, doing the things i didn’t like or appreciate.
My boyfriend doesn’t make me feel appreciated and gets mad when I bring it up, what should I do?
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