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+1 y

What You'd Want - and Need - to Survive a Zombie Invasion

I think I would go with a rapier than a cutlass. Cool MyTake Other

+1 y

If Males All Go MGTOW and Women Decide to Go WGTOW... Aren't We All Screwed?

Why would anyone want to be a part of either? It's just full of a bunch of people who go on some bad dates and then they say they "give up", boohoo. Society & Politics

+1 y

Men and Women ARE NOT Equals: 5 Clear Differences

Just because women and men are different physically and emotionally, does not mean they can't be equal socially. Whenever I go out when I look at both men and women (in a general and non biased... Society & Politics

+1 y

Why 3D Printed Guns Actually Should Worry You

Basically makes the black market cheaper and guns are more easily obtained. I mean before 3d printing if you really wanted an illegal gun bad enough, there was the deep Web which gives you the... Technology & Internet

+1 y

Sick of "The Patriarchy" - Blame Your Mother

Isn't the definition of patriarchy where in a government men dominate seats or government officials. Is that not true still today? I mean the government is still highly dominated by man mostly... Society & Politics

+1 y

6 Health Benefits of Chocolate <3

Time to eat more chocolate. Food & Beverage

+1 y

My Problem with Trump Claiming He'll Jail Clinton if He Wins

I doubt he will actually in the sense that when someone promises a lot of things in the election area, they rarely do all of what they propose they will. Society & Politics

+1 y

An Open Letter to Kim Kardashian

I'm sure all the publicity and fame will soothe her aching soul... and the money, can't forget the money. Entertainment & Arts

+1 y

The Stupidity of Kim Kardashian's Fake Robbery

That's what holly wood is, a lot of fake as fuck people trying to stay in the spotlight by doing stupid shit. But honestly the Kardashian's take the cake, they're trying to stay relevant so hard... Entertainment & Arts

+1 y

Why I Despise Black Lives Matter

All Lives Matter is just a mockery of BLM and when you talk to someone who says All Lives Matter you quickly find out that they don't actually believe that. This is like me saying All Lives Matter... Society & Politics

+1 y

5 Super Hot Famous MALES You Never Knew Were Canadian

Ryan Reynolds is the only gem of the bunch, his deadpool was on point. Entertainment & Arts

+1 y

My Theory on Life and the Universe, And Why You Will Live Forever

The thing is life is strange is about time travel into the past LOL. Other

+1 y

Why I Never Care About the Lives of Celebrities

I honestly just dislike the kardashians a lot and don't get why people put them on a pedestal, like just why? They do nothing, they're not even good celebrities because I don't see them do... Entertainment & Arts

+1 y

The #HuhChallenge is Just an Excuse to Bully People

I feel like some videos could be like just making fun of friends in like a joking manor. Mostly because me and my friends used to make fun of each other all the time. But of course there's... Trending & News

+1 y

Stop Abusing The Word Feminism

Ah don't even make posts about feminism on this site. When a guy sees feminism on this site they look at radical feminism which makes them think that ALL feminism is like that. W Society & Politics

+1 y

Why I'm Voting for Trump Come November

He used to be friends with Bill Clinton and Hillary so... I am sure he can ruin it just as well. But also considering he would be bad with foreign affairs, I would be scared if he was my... Society & Politics

+1 y

7 Reasons Taylor Swift Ultimately Exiled Herself From People's Hearts

Another mainstream artist that sucks and is fake, why am I not surprised? Entertainment & Arts

+1 y

Voting for a Third-Party Candidate is NOT a Waste: Don't Be Fooled!

Fuck even if the third party loses anyways I would still vote for a third party if I was American. At least that vote doesn't go towards corrupted or stupid/sociopath. People vote for Hillary... Society & Politics

+1 y

6 Reasons Why Marriage is Such a Beautiful Union

The fact is marriage by itself is amazing, it is beautiful. But another fact is some people make marriage look ugly. Personally I think many people rush into marriage, people marry in the 1... Marriage & Weddings

+1 y

Legitimate Reasons Why You Should Not Vote for Hillary Clinton

Both suck, it's like me picking between Hitler and Stalin for the next president. I choose none. Society & Politics

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