Why I Never Care About the Lives of Celebrities


I can sum it all up in one word: Unimportant. Let me begin by stating that, yes, celebs can do important things and contribute to the world. In fact, a lot of celebrities do.

Why I Never Care About the Lives of Celebrities

Many travel around the world fighting for causes that are extremely important. When I say their goings-on are unimportant, I am not speaking about this. I got this out of the way first in order to give them credit where it is due.

When I say their goings-on are unimportant, I'm talking about their personal lives. Their relationships, who got plastic surgery, who's feuding with who, how they handle their money, how their relationship is with their kids, what they wore to the red carpet, if they're still in "beach bod" shape, how much skin Miley showed on stage. It all simply doesn't, never did, and never will matter.

Celebrities are people. They are just people. No different from anyone on your street. The only difference is they have lots of money. They go to the store. They work out. They go to the park. They have friends. They have pets. They have kids. They pay taxes... Maybe. They speak. They eat. They breath. They poop. If you ever wanted to know what it was like to be with a celebrity, imagine them doing what they're famous for, for hours, and then go watch your neighbor sit on their ass. There you have it.

These things effect nothing but the lives of the celebs involved. Yet, people are obsessed with it. People eat, sleep, and breathe these people as if they'll miss the cure for cancer if they stop. They chatter continuously back and forth, dropping names and regurgitating the latest Hollywood gossip. It's honestly nauseating. For example - I dread even bringing it up - the Brad and Angelina divorce. This blew up the internet. It was as if Kim Jung Un decided to relinquish his power and adopt a democratic style of government with an education program to reintroduce the people of North Korea to the world of 2016 and desensitize them of the indoctrinated belief that Kim Jong Un and his family are anything more than a family of sociopathic maniacal power hungry dictators.

Why I Never Care About the Lives of Celebrities

But no. This was not the case. Nothing of global importance happened. It's basically just as if high schools power couple broke up.

Why I Never Care About the Lives of Celebrities

This is true about literally anything in their personal lives. Just like the power couple in high school; nothing in their lives affects anything outside their lives. So I just don't get the point of even paying attention to these people. Kim Kardashian got robbed in France. Yeah, so did lots of other people. The only reason it's even news is because she's famous.

I don't value their opinions, unless they have proven outside of their fame that they're worth hearing. I don't care what products they endorse. I don't care what their stances are on key issues around the world. Their opinions on anything whatsoever carry equal weight to the opinions of strangers on the bus. Just like anything else, what matters is what is verifiable and can be evidenced. I don't believe anything just because somebody told it to me. That's ridiculous in any case. I care about them to the extent of what new movies are coming out and do I want to see them. Outside of that I absolutely do not care and never will.

Why I Never Care About the Lives of Celebrities
20 Opinion