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4 mo

What do you think of this SCOTUS picture?

It's a nice picture, but unfortunately, most of the people in it ruin the picture. Yes, there is a significance of the five men being in the middle, and four women on the ends, simply because of... Society & Politics

4 mo

So I'm an 15 m and the girl in question is 11 and I just met her?

At eleven years old, yes, it indicates that she liks you. However, I really hope that you, the 15 year old , doesn't like her from a romantic standpoint. Girl's Behavior

4 mo

Who do you think's gonna be Trump's vice presidential nominee?

Kristi Noem. I'm almost willing to bet money on it. Society & Politics

4 mo

If Trumps supporters are racist, does that make him racist?

Ehh, it's harder to say. Technically, the fact most Donald Trump supporters are racist (or complacent to racists) doesn't automatically mean that Donald Trump is racist, but one has to ask, why is... Society & Politics

4 mo

Did you support the BLM & Antifa riots?

No, I don't support BLM, Antifa, or any riots for that matter. I don't even know anyone part of Antifa, but a vast majority of the BLM protests were peaceful. Society & Politics

4 mo

People older than 20, do you still have the same friends from high school?

Nope. The last time I had a friend from my high school years was in 2020, but unfortunately, he fell into the alt-right pipeline that year, and he blocked me on Facebook, and cut off all... Family & Friends

4 mo

Who else here has either lost weight or is losing weight?

I've lost ten pounds since January 1st of this year. I'm not doing a specific diet; just a calorie-deficit, and daily cardiovascular exercise. I plan on lifting again in February as well. Health & Fitness

4 mo

Facial piercings: classy or trashy?

Neither. I'm neutral on them. If you waear them, cool. If not, cool. Fashion & Beauty

4 mo

What are the reasons for being single over 40?

There are countless reasons for being single over 40 years old, and virtually all of them apply for reasons to be single 40 years old, and younger. For this particular woman, maybe the following... Dating

4 mo

Have you ever been followed around in a grocery store by staff?

While I can't be 100 percent sure, I'm almost positive I have a few times. I think it's because they thought I was going to steal something (and I'm not a thief). Every time I entered an aisle,... Girl's Behavior

4 mo

Are burgers better without meat and cheese?

Is this a joke? Of course not, especially without cheese. I'll eat an Impossible Burger, as long as it has cheese on it. Hamburgers are a no-no. Cheeseburgers are amazing. Food & Beverage

4 mo

Are boys okay with a girl making the first move?

For most boys, yes, they do. That doesn't mean your crush won't reject you though, and he very well may be uncomfortable. Just take the chance, and good luck. I completely understand why you're... Dating

4 mo

What is your coolest memory at school?

When I was in college, I didn't have many friends, but towards the last year I went to college (undergrad), I went out with a group of friends for an annual festival. I made out with a hot girl,... Education & Career

4 mo

How would you feel if Joe Biden got re-elected for a second term?

Since I plan on voting for him in the 2024 Presidential Election, I would be happy. Society & Politics

4 mo

Where do you normally buy books from?

Thriftbooks. com They have the cheapest books I've came across, and they ship to my address in a timely manner. Shopping & Gifts

4 mo

What do you think is the ideal height for women?

No, you're not short here in the United States of America compared to all women, but you might be a little short compared to women in your age group (for those in the USA, she's about 5'5... Health & Fitness

4 mo

What are your thoughts on middle age men dating 18 year old women?

Let me guess, you're 18 years old, and a middle-aged man wants to date you? I think this is a red flag if a middle-aged man (or woman for that matter) wants to date an 18 year old. Many older... Dating

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