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Minority Report: What it's like to 'Cruise' around the US and abroad as a minority

At the end of last year, I had written an article using an informal interview with my friend Ari about feminism to add a second point of view to help really bring in more perspectives to MyTakes especially when writing about topics such as a male's POV of male/female dynamics. Interview with a...

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Interview with a vampire: Feminism and gender from the male perspective, featuring a guy who thinks this all "sucks".

For most of my previous MyTakes on here I have focused on what I thought were injustices in this world when it came to gender equality. After my last recent few articles, I realized that it didn't really have the full research I usually put into my writing. It was only coming from my own female...

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A successful step forward: A follow up to a previous MyTake on equality.

2 months ago I wrote a MyTake ( Another step forward: From walking in the shadow of men to being equals ) about some of the discriminatory practices women faced around the world when it came to things like clothing choices and sexual pressures faced in the work place. Unfortunately, that was met...

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Leap before you look: A non-religious article to having faith over your fears

"Only in the leap from the lion's head will he prove his worth." - Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade. Ok, so not off to a great start on that having faith thing, huh? You trusted me when I said non-religious approach to faith and then I quote a movie where they are trying to find the Holy...

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Another step forward: From walking in the shadow of men to being equals

A women's rights article on G@G? I apologize to those in the comment section now. Between all the headlines of the pandemic, vaccines, and politics you may have missed some pretty historic moments in the continued march to equality for women across the world. During the Tokyo Olympics, the...

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The road not taken: Dealing with the choices in life we regret!

My apologies ahead of time for those who had a mini panic attack thinking they had been whisked back to high school English courses and needing to write essays on Robert Frost. I assure you that while there will be an assignment at the end of this, I won't be grading it and this is the only time...

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Not getting to see the big picture. My life with Aphantasia.

French cheese makes me sick and that is no laughing matter. What an opening line, huh? So what in the world does that have to do with this MyTake? Well, for now, just keep it in mind and I promise to come back to it later. You may be wondering what exactly is Aphantasia? Well, contrary to...

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Taking a Chance: How Monopoly taught me to be a better parent.

I am kind of a nerd at heart and I am pretty proud of it too. I collect board games and video games for fun. I have game consoles going back to the Atari and Colecovision all the way up through the last gen systems, but my love for board games is even stronger. I have recent games as well as all...

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The intolerance of tolerance

“Don't be in a hurry to condemn because he doesn't do what you do or think as you think or as fast. There was a time when you didn't know what you know today.” -Malcolm X I had debated with myself about what I should do my next myTake on, but considering the state of the world right now, it...

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Breaking the cycle - An open discussion about depression

Depression is something I have dealt with my entire life and many millions more in this world face the same daily struggles themselves. While I don't feel there is as big of a social stigma as there used to be, it still does still exist. I am writing today to maybe break some of that stigma down...

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Why the number of sexual partners doesn't matter. A counterpoint to @Truthbringer.

I don't believe in censorship of opposing ideals so please feel free to post here as you'd like with your thoughts. Some of us can accept criticism. : ) Insecurity. It's a word that angers some and describes many more than care to admit to themselves. We live in a world that is full of...

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Saying goodbye to our fur baby

I normally post MyTakes about my political or personal beliefs, but today I won't be doing any of that. Today I am just writing to say goodbye to our protector, our friend, and furry child, Ryoga. Before human children even became part of our life, Ryoga entered it and filled that space we had...

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