Another step forward: From walking in the shadow of men to being equals

A women's rights article on G@G? I apologize to those in the comment section now.

Between all the headlines of the pandemic, vaccines, and politics you may have missed some pretty historic moments in the continued march to equality for women across the world. During the Tokyo Olympics, the German women's gymnastics team opted to wear full-body instead of bikini-cut unitards. In a European match, the Norway women's handball team were fined for opting to wear shorts instead of the required bikini bottoms mandated for women. Several other events this year have seen women fighting back against the blatantly sexist uniform requirements by leagues. How bad could it be? Here are the standard uniforms side by side for the Norway men and women's handball teams.

Clearly they ran out of fabric towards the end of the uniform design stage.
Clearly they ran out of fabric towards the end of the uniform design stage.

While the women's team did get fined, the governing body of that event did agree to go back and review standards going forward which hopefully they actually take seriously and change.

So why is this so historic? Well, because it is one step closer to equality for women in comparison to men. Now, for those of you rolling your eyes and groaning right now, please try to understand that whether you agree or not, there are still blatant things that women have to deal with daily that are degrading that some men either never notice or care about. Dress codes are definitely one of those. Take for example, Bartram Trail High School down in Florida. 80 different female student's had their photos digitally altered to cover parts of their shoulders and chests up. How bad were these photos?

Avert your eyes children lest you be lured into temptation!
Avert your eyes children lest you be lured into temptation!

So, what standard are women supposed to be at? If we wear too much clothes we are fined and ridiculed for not being sexy enough. If we wear something even slightly revealing we are censored and shamed as being whores. Way too many times, even here on this site, there have been the truly sick and depraved individuals who think that it is ever ok to blame the woman for her style of dress if she is ever sexually assaulted or raped. Let me just make something clear right now. It is NEVER ok to sexually assault or rape anyone else, regardless of what they were wearing or where they were walking. Stop victim blaming and focus on heavily punishing the morally twisted individuals who think those actions are ever justified. Speaking of morally twisted individuals being punished....

This guy, seen here measuring up the next body part to grab.
This guy, seen here measuring up the next body part to grab.

It is finally nice to see men in power get their comeuppance for years of abusing their powers to sexually assault individuals around them. I have said this before and I will say it again; I do not care if you are Republican or Democrat or a member of any other political party, people like Andrew Cuomo need to be punished and removed from office when credible accusations arise. Trust me, I am fully aware former president Trump has even more credible accusers and should be suffering through the same fate and hopefully he will. The problem we face is that people tend to get REALLY blind when it comes to people of their own political leanings and REALLY eagle eyed when it comes to members of another. We have got to stop playing political bias when it comes to people like those two. This is not a political debate point. These are the people we elect to lead us as a society, who are using that power, that we the people gave them, to sexually assault the same people who gave it to them. That should never be ok.

The #Metoo movement, originally coined in 2006 but really taking a life of its own in 2017, started giving women a louder voice in this space. Those brave individuals had to endure the initial abuse, as well as, secondary waves of those out there calling them liars while defending their fallen celebrity heroes. The steps they took is what helped get people to start believing women who have been assaulted and stepped forward to tell their stories in situations like the Cuomo case. The rich and famous should never have a free pass to sexually assault or rape anyone.

I already know now we are going to have all kinds of comments dismissing this MyTake. They are going to downplay the significance of a stand for uniform change in sports as meaning anything useful. That's fine because I know they are slowly becoming the minority in this fight for equality. Thanks to the brave women who take the brunt of those attacks for the rest of us and the support of men with a strong ego to not feel threatened by those same women, progress is being made. Yesterday it was forcing the issue in standing up against sexual violence. Today is equality in dress codes. Who knows what tomorrow brings as the next step in equality? I just know I am excited to see it happen so one day we can all start to walk beside one another and not have one sex walking in front of the other.

Another step forward: From walking in the shadow of men to being equals
Post Opinion