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+1 y

She rejected me but keeps contacting me?

Bro, my article explains it all link Flirting

+1 y

Favorite US restaurant and dish?

E.Coli's - Restaurant and Grill. 6969 GetFcuked Ave. Health & Fitness

+1 y

Is being straight forward in approaching women a good thing?

It's very cliche and probably won't work. But its heck of a lot better than going up to a girl with a cheesy pick up line. If you really want to be str8forward then go ahead but drop the whole, I... Flirting

+1 y

Bantering and teasing girls. When to do it and when to tone it down?

DON'T when you first meet the girl, this is the time to be very gentlemen-ly, nice, friendly, amicable, and pleasant. DO it after you get to know the chick and she gets to know you. DO IT... Flirting

+1 y

Lets hang out soon.. But no follow up

This question sounds like something a guy would ask about a girl Dating

+1 y

Is it weird to eat crackers and cheese at work?

only if you are 14 years old and you work as a dean's aid in the dean's office Health & Fitness

+1 y

What does a guy mean when he says I'm cute?

means you are being acute and you need to be more obtuse, you need to view life at a different angle and do a complete 360. Flirting

+1 y

How much does clear skin affect a girl's attractiveness?

A lot, you can be the hottest girl in the world, but craters on your face definitely ruins everything, go the proactive route, sorry to "break" it to you, but that's just how it is. Health & Fitness

+1 y

Why hasn't he made it official yet? Is he waiting for me to say something?

He likes you and seems to be on the inexperienced side a little, he also seems nervous, and he seems like he's pretty upfront with you about how he is feeling, for instance, he asks for a kiss, so... Guy's Behavior

+1 y

Guys, what would you do if a girl let out a huge burp while you were kissing?!...xX

Burping in my mouth while kissing is akin to queefing in my mouth when I am eating you out, there are some things that are no nos with guys. Always remember that, always remember that, remember... Dating

+1 y

Why did girls like Johnny Cash so much?

Because its Jaycee brah, he was tapping June Carter, and at the same time, he was dressing in all black, performing at jails and he was rebellious, and had problems with drug use, its that... Society & Politics

+1 y

How much is your college per semester?

These universities are hacking up the price hardcore because of the increase in enrollment making it increasingly difficult for students to pay tuition. When I was in school, it was bearable, now... Society & Politics

+1 y

My girlfriend acts different around other guys?

Means that she thinks you are jealous, perception skewed or unskewed. You need to stop confronting her about it or her flirtations with other guys will sky rocket perpetuating the cycle of her... Girl's Behavior

+1 y

What's the big deal with hickeys?

Hickeys go out of style when you hit 21 years of age Health & Fitness

+1 y

Average men are the new handsome men and handsome are the new ugly guys?

The next time a girl asks you if you are a player understand that which ever way you answer yes or no, that either yes or no is the wrong answer, saying no makes you sound guilty but saying yes... Fashion & Beauty

+1 y

What kinds of guys are Virgo (Horoscope) guys?

Virgos are the type that usually come off as aloof, calm and collected. Their facial expressions are somber and serious, the brooding type, as if lost in grave thought. Despite their cool... Guy's Behavior

+1 y

How to get out of a rut?

Yea, I know exactly what you are talking about, its like...going to bed early, getting 8 hours of sleep, eating a healthy breakfast, drinking plenty of water, going out for a morning walk, eating... Health & Fitness

+1 y

What are your best weight loss tips?

-Go to sleep earlier than usual -Cut out all sugar, and simple carbs -Drink tons of water -Eat several small meals a day -Mentally keep telling yourself you are getting skinnier... Health & Fitness

+1 y

Why do most of the guys treat me like a little girl?

"you are like a sister to me" means, you're a down ass chick I feel open with you, you are like one of the guys, except you are like the sister I never had, and I'd like to be your friend... Guy's Behavior

+1 y

He's Embarrassed and Pulling Away From Me. What Should I Do?

Your guy sounds sexually inexperienced but he sounds like a sweet guy. But not being able to get a girl off is akin to not being able to get it up. And trying to talk about it and discussing why... Flirting

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