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3 d

Can you function without your coffee in the morning?

Barely. I can function, sure, but I'm not going to be very productive, and my mood definitely will not be great. Its in everyone's best interest to let me have my morning coffee. Food & Beverage

10 d

Will female urinals become more mainstream?

I think we'll see more unisex urinals being installed in public buildings with gender neutral restrooms. Girl's Behavior

11 d

For how long do you cook your steak on each side to make sure is medium well?

That depends on way too many other factors to say- the thickness of the cut? On a grill? How hot? In Cast Iron? Food & Beverage

27 d

Have you made good friends on GAG?

There's a few I talk with relatively regularly. Sharing stories of our families, etc. Making friends here was never a goal, but I've made a few. G@G Community

28 d

Did anyone worked as art class drawing model, mostly for colleges?

I modeled for a life drawing class at a different university in the same town I attended college in. The pay was very minimal... I think I sat for drawings maybe 7 times over two years and maybe... Education & Career

1 mo

What do you do for a living? Do you like it?

I'm a lighting designer for theatre, non profit events, corporate events, and live music. I also design and construct scenery, design and calculate overhead stage rigging, design video wall and... Education & Career

1 mo

Why my dryer took a long time?

An hour isn't out of the norm for drying time. It's probably not broken. If it's taking longer than usual it might be a larger load, the spin cycle on your washer didn't extract as much water as... Health & Fitness

1 mo

How often do you get new underwear?

I'm not necessarily throwing out old underwear when I do it, but I generally buy a few new pairs every three months or so. Get rid of the old when elastic starts going or holes appear, or if they... Fashion & Beauty

1 mo

Mothers, if you had a preteen son who is a nudist at home, would you allow him to practice his lifestyle when women or girls are visiting?

I'm a nudist, and I grew up nudist as well. We conform to our guest's wishes regarding nudity. If they're also nudist, of course we'll be nude around them. If they're not comfortable with nudity... Family & Friends

2 mo

Anyone still uses MSN messenger?

Does it still exist? I still have my old MSN email address and use it for registering for sites like this that I don't want to use my main email for. Technology & Internet

2 mo

Would you go on a nudist cruise?

My wife and I have talked about going on one. The timings never seem to work out with when we can take vacations otherwise we probably already would have. Travel

2 mo

Is it ok to wear a speedo for lap swimming at the gym or local pool?

Yeah it's perfectly fine. I doubt you'd get any bad reactions. There's a few men that wear speedos at the YMCA pool here, and no one batts an eye. Fashion & Beauty

2 mo

Is it commonplace for brother/sister-in-law to walk around the house with no underwear on?

It was in our family. We were nude all the time, no shame at all! Remember, there's nothing inherently sexual about nudity. As long as everyone is comfortable with it (and it seems like they are)... Girl's Behavior

2 mo

Does anyone actually listen to AM radio?

Rarely. During heavy weather if I'm outside of cell coverage while camping, or occasionally for a sporting event. Entertainment & Arts

2 mo

Can cell phones from one network connect on others?

Depends on the phone. Most (but not all) phones that are purchased through your carrier are locked down to that carrier unless the phone has been "jailbroken." Most unlocked phones can connect to... Technology & Internet

2 mo

What is the oldest pair of underwear you own?

I still have the first pair of briefs I bought when I was still wearing boxers usually. I got it for when I needed to use a fall arrest harness, and wanted to make sure everything stayed in place... Fashion & Beauty

2 mo

Have you ever dropped your phone in the loo?

A long time ago. When Kyocera flip phones were still common. It was a TracFone burner anyways so I flushed it. Wasn't worth retrieving at that point. Girl's Behavior

2 mo

Wedding Decorations! Prefer hand made?

We did store bought, but curated. Marriage & Weddings

2 mo

If an evil racist did the following?

That sign would be considered unenforceable. In that situation since that restaurant provides "public accomodations" they could not refuse service based on race. They could call the police of... Society & Politics

2 mo

Is this true or false, if a man gets his woman roses 🌹🌹for valentines day he is cheating on her?

Well, I didn't get roses, and I haven't cheated, so... I guess my data points supports that theory? Valentine's Day

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