I've heard this before and I'm just wondering if there is any truth to it or not 🌹
I've heard this before and I'm just wondering if there is any truth to it or not 🌹
Roses are just traditional fare. Have nothing to do with what the guy is or isn't doing in the relationship. However, I saw somewhere that the color of the roses has to do with the meaning of the bouquet and red isn't proper to indicate love and caring. I think yellow is supposed to be more appropriate. And other flowers would be better... but someone started with roses and VIOLA!
The roses were yellow orange red and pink.. not just red
Omg!!! My honey gets me flowers/roses allllll the time!!! He must be? 😱 I better go check his cell phone 📱
Good idea lol
I have never heard about that and I would not really pay attention to what people say on social media. Pay attention to your man's consistent actions.
There are plenty of single women out there who would love to destroy your marriage with their bad advice.
Well, I didn't get roses, and I haven't cheated, so... I guess my data points supports that theory?
You are a good man!
OMG women these days need to just stop… if a man doesn’t get you flowers he doesn’t care enough now if he does he must be cheating… can women get more ridiculous 🤦🏼♀️…
I believe that they can get more ridiculous sponge, for example: my husband was feeling good today, is it possible that he was cheating and his mistress made him feel comfy?
If he's feeling bad than she will ask: why is he feeling bad, am i not enough for him, is he unhappy with me?
While she's questioning herself, her husband comes to her like an innocent sheep and ask her: what's wrong?
She explodes from anger and cries telling him: it's OVER, i can't take it anymore!
The husband feels confused and like wtf 😳
@TonyMetal___86 not all women are like that tho… And Mel shouldn’t pay attention to what’s said by SOME women on the internet…
Men not Mel 🤦🏼♀️ lol
Mel shouldn't either though. He's misled enough already
@Brainsbeforebeauty were you watching a MEL gibson movie? 🤣
You guys quit picking on me and my typos 🤦🏼♀️😒 LOL
only If He Has Never Done It Before... Motive in Mind. lolxxoo
With the cost of roses today, a guy cannot afford a dozen roses for both his wife/girlfriend and mistress.
Besides, red roses are a sign of passion... which wouldn't be the case if he's cheating.
Passionate about not getting caught 😂
lol, have never heard of that and I’ve gotten roses on Valentines many times.
When I get flowers, it is just old fashioned romance!
Not that I know of, that doesn’t mean cheating, I never cheated and gave roses to her but she cheated on me still so it doesn’t matter, a cheater is a cheater no matter what they give
No, it usually means there is a guy on your way home from work that is selling roses from a roadside stand. You just pull over and pay the guy. Quick and greasy
Well that's the craziest thing I have heard from u lol
Haha it was more just a fun question
There are a couple reasons why a guy would give his partner roses. 1 reason is because he loves her and wants to show her how much he loves her. Another reason might be because he wants to say he's sorry for not paying enough attention to her because he's been working so much.
If a guy was cheating, he'd probably give his mistress the flowers
The mistress is already getting his dick. She doesn't need roses lol
Awh that's sweet
If he feels the need to over compensate then maybe.
Someone spending her Valentine's day questioning his motives?
Always questioning him lol
Damn that's a shame! You don't have the self confidence to think you're worth the roses? Sorry if that came off harsh but damn apple, really?
My husband has a job where it's very high rate of cheating
What's his job and are they currently hiring? Kidding... kind of... 😅🤣😂
He's military lol
My first thought was stocks/bonds trader. Honestly Apple I think you're an interesting, cool enough person you don't have to worry about a man cheating on you.
Everything is a sign he is cheating if you want it to be. If your man is breathing is it is a sign he is cheating? If your man has a pulse is it a sign he is cheating? May as well just stay single if you hate us so much.
I wouldn't date 99% of men
That's too bad you are only 27 and have already ruled out 99% of the male population? Is it because "all men are dogs" no no maybe "all men are shit" oh wait I got it "I don't need a man because I am a strong and independent woman and I won't let the patriarchy keep me down"
I'm already married so there's that but it's because most men (especially straight men) will not better themselves. They will keep all their issues and try adding a partner to that thinking it will work out 😂 and a lot of their attitudes and the way they speak to women is horrible.
I don't think men or shit nor do I hate them. I'm just not gonna put up with broken/mean men.
That's true men and women have definitely become lesser versions of themselves and it is disheartening to see especially when people want a healthy relationship and are confused why they can't despite doing things right
I think people getting roses on Valentine's Day is pretty normal. Now, if it's on a random Tuesday, then I'd probably think something's up. 😅
Never heard that, if it makes you feel better my ex wouldn’t get me flower just lots of nasty chocolate and he always cheated
No indicator either way. Guys who adore her and guys who are cheating might both do the rose thing.
Naah. No reason. Roses are just a place holder. When it's expensive jewelry, it might be a guilt offering.
Omg I didn't even think about the jewelry 😭 that's definitely a red flag for cheating too
if anything the opposite might be true. The girl is trying to hard to cover her tracks.
If he buy her apples instead, it means he's 100% loyal, that's what i heard 😁
I doubt it how would that even add up? 😂
So now cheaters are wired to get the woman they are cheating on some roses lol
Because they are trying to look good to cover the cheating
Someone that's cheating doesn't have the heart to care about the person they are cheating on or they wouldn't cheat 🙃
You'd be surprised. Some cheaters will go above and beyond to cover up their cheating especially by acting nice
Maybe if the woman suspects but normally flowers are a sign that the person was thinking of you and they decided to get you flowers.
I'm sure there is truth to that to a certain degree. If you were to break down the numbers of couples in this world, i'm sure there are plenty
I hope not. I’ve gotten my wife roses every year.
Omg why would you do that? 😳
She likes roses 🌹 so I was just following orders. Nothing has ever gone wrong just from “following orders”. Ever.
that's like vietnam vet level of paranoia lol
This would mean I'm not cheating on you 🤔
Good thing you ain't cheating on me 😊
Whose paranoid, untrusting ass, thought this up?
Some women think this
Just shows those women need to self-reflect and work on themselves
Red roses, no. Black roses, maybe’
Black roses are beautiful 🌹 🖤
oh my god! do all women think this way? are you telling me I fucked up?
Ofc it's not brainer only few smart lady understand this... and you're one of them. Lol.
That's false for sure. Do you think that's true
Maybe sometimes true cuz cheaters try to cover up their cheating by doing good things
probably not something you can generalize
I think that’s false
I have never once heard that Apple.
This is stuff women talk about lol
@Apple1996 Apple, this is nuts.
I am nuts 🤪
@Apple1996. Ha! So, did you get roses?
Yes and some other gifts so maybe it wasn't to sus
That's good.
Good thing I don't celebrate that day!
Who told you that? A jealous woman?
Another seriously stupid rumor
Totally false