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+1 y

How come no matter how confident I am, girls reject me?

Ah man. I know how you feel. Isn't it absurd? There's always something. If your body is good, your personality could be lacking. If your personality is good your body could be lacking.... Girl's Behavior

+1 y

What percentage of white Women prefer Black Men?

This is a thing man. The black man, white woman couple is at least as common as the white man Asian woman couple. It’s because black people genetically have the highest testosterone levels.... Other

+1 y

Why do girls like abs?

What girls think is a strong man vs what a strong man actually looks like: Girl's Behavior

+1 y

Are hollow cheeks a masculine facial feature?

I am trying yo figure this out. It's a mind fuck. All male models have hollow cheeks and narrow long jaws. But Will Smith and other cekebs like Brad Pitt all have wide jaws and full cheeks.... Fashion & Beauty

+1 y

Why are so many guys crushing on Emilia Clarke?

Let’s be real. It’s because she got nude on the most popular tv show in history, and she was underage in the beginning. Sick, maybe. But I’m pretty sure that’s the reason. I’ve never... Guy's Behavior

+1 y

Guys, Do you find ABGs attractive?

That video. Lol. Wow. I know exactly what’s going on there. Bunch of regular kids wanting to look a certain way. I mean it’s fine but it has always bothered me how Asians don’t seem to want... Guy's Behavior

+1 y

Is Roe vs. Wade unjust and unfair to men?

Why is everyone focused on child support? What about the child? Let’s say I get a girl pregnant. Then that child is half me. What if I want the baby but she doesn’t? That’s my baby too.... Society & Politics

+1 y

Would you rather be lonely or heart broken?

Heart broken gives you the opportunity to know for yourself what you’ve done and learn from it. Lonely means you long for opportunity. Always waiting, being excluded and left out. That’s... Other

+1 y

How are you at time management in general?

Awful. Though, if a task seems really difficult and I’m out of my depth I’ll respect it more and put more time and effort into it sooner. Education & Career

+1 y

Do you think there was a greatly advanced race on the Earth in the distant past?

Like you I look up in awe at the physical universe. As a child my dream was to see earth from space before I die. To this day it is the one bucket list item that I am most adamant about.... Religion & Spirituality

+1 y

Do you think plastic surgery is false advertising?

No. I take the position that ethically enhancements are okay and good. The alternative is a harsh reality and life where people are ostracized and ultimately their gene pools die off.... Fashion & Beauty

+1 y

Can you be a bad girl and a good girl at the same time?

You are absolutely right. You can be both. And you are in the position many 20 year old men find themselves in. Most are raised not to be promiscuous if they come from certain neighborhoods... Girl's Behavior

+1 y

Guys, How obvious do girls need to flirt for you to notice?

I only ever pick up on the shy/awkward authentic type of flirting. I guess that’s probably because that’s the only authentic display of attraction deep down. I scan people’s subconscious body... Flirting

+1 y

Does your car fit you?

hmm. Not sure. I have acute quirky tastes in products and end up overanalyzing the shit out ofvthem before buying. I actually own many cars due to it being a hobby of mine to tweak and... Other

+1 y

Why is it not socially acceptable for women to have body hair?

Good question! I don't mind arm and leg hair. Women bribg this crap on themselves by choising to reproduce with offensive, inconsiderate douchbags. You are stupid to think otherwise, plain... Fashion & Beauty

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