How come no matter how confident I am, girls reject me?

No matter what I do I'm always rejected by all women. Literally every dark skin black girl I've ever talked to has turned me down no matter how confident and no matter how I dressed. It's like women only care about your looks. Meanwhile all my handsome friends have girlfriends and question if I'm gay. I heard that women only go for the top 20% of men and im only 5'10 so I'm screwed. I'm sorry for being such a disappointment. Does this mean I'm destined to be alone forever? Pics of me. I work out and everything and my skincare routine is decent. I tried tinder and I still have 0 matches. It sucks. I've tried the best I can but if it's time to give up, I'm finished.
How come no matter how confident I am, girls reject me?
How come no matter how confident I am, girls reject me?
How come no matter how confident I am, girls reject me?
How come no matter how confident I am, girls reject me?
How come no matter how confident I am, girls reject me?
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